41° 26' 54" N (41.4483)
70° 51' 24" W (-70.8567)
Nearest ZIP
3.4 mi
Penikese Island, Buzzards Bay
3.5 mi
6.7 mi
Gay Head, Martha's Vineyard
7.2 mi
Round Hill Point, Buzzards Bay
8.0 mi
Menemsha Harbor
8.3 mi
Cedar Tree Neck, Martha's Vineyard
9.1 mi
Uncatena Island (south side), Woods Hole
10.3 mi
Clarks Point, New Bedford, Buzzards Bay
10.5 mi
Squibnocket Point, Martha's Vineyard
10.9 mi
Woods Hole, Buzzards Bay
11.1 mi
Little Harbor, Woods Hole
12.3 mi
New Bedford Harbor, Marine Terminal, Buzzards Bay
0.4 mi
North end
0.6 mi
1.0 mi
South end
2.5 mi
Gull I. and Nashawena I., between
2.6 mi
Robinsons Hole, Nashuon Point
3.1 mi
Canapitsit Channel
3.2 mi
Gay Head, 3 miles north of
3.6 mi
Penikese Island, 0.2 mile south of
4.1 mi
Robinsons Hole, 1.2 miles southeast of
4.3 mi
Penikese Island, 0.8 mile northwest of
5.8 mi
Gay Head, 3 miles northeast of
5.9 mi
Gay Head, 1.5 miles northwest of
6.2 mi
Ribbon Reef-Sow & Pigs Reef, between
6.7 mi
Dumpling Rocks, 0.2 mile southeast of
7.0 mi
Tarpaulin Cove, 1.5 miles east of
7.3 mi
Weepecket Island, south of
8.5 mi
West Island, 1 mile Southeast of
9.9 mi
North end
10.0 mi
Norton Point, 0.5 mile north of
10.3 mi
Woods Hole, The Strait
10.7 mi
Juniper Point
11.7 mi
Nobska Point, 1 mile southeast of
12.4 mi
New Bedford Hurricane Barrier