Alaska Tides and Fishing Times
Select a site from the map or the list below to view detailed tide & solunar tables and charts.
Adak Bight, Adak IslandLatitude: 51° 46' 12" N (51.77)Longitude: 176° 26' 6" W (-176.435) |
Adugak Island, Aleutian IslandsLatitude: 52° 54' 42" N (52.9117)Longitude: 169° 9' 54" W (-169.165) |
Agnes Cove, Aialik PeninsulaLatitude: 59° 46' 24" N (59.7733)Longitude: 149° 35' 17" W (-149.588) |
Aguchik Island, Kukak BayLatitude: 58° 17' 24" N (58.29)Longitude: 154° 16' 12" W (-154.27) |
Aialik Bay, North EndLatitude: 59° 57' 12" N (59.9533)Longitude: 149° 42' 54" W (-149.715) |
Aialik Sill, Aialik BayLatitude: 59° 53' 6" N (59.885)Longitude: 149° 43' 5" W (-149.718) |
Akun Cove, Akun Island, Aleutian IslandsLatitude: 54° 13' 60" N (54.2333)Longitude: 165° 31' 59" W (-165.533) |
Akutan Harbor, Akutan Island, Aleutian IslandsLatitude: 54° 7' 42" N (54.1283)Longitude: 165° 48' 29" W (-165.808) |
Akutan, Aleutian IslandsLatitude: 54° 7' 60" N (54.13328)Longitude: 165° 46' 38" W (-165.77731) |
Alakanuk, Yukon RiverLatitude: 62° 41' 14" N (62.6872)Longitude: 164° 40' 1" W (-164.6669) |
Albatross Anchorage, Balboa BayLatitude: 55° 35' 24" N (55.59)Longitude: 160° 36' 47" W (-160.613) |
Alcan Harbor, Shemya Island, Aleutian IslandsLatitude: 52° 43' 0" N (52.7167)Longitude: 174° 4' 0" E (174.0667) |
Alitak, Lazy BayLatitude: 56° 53' 51" N (56.89739)Longitude: 154° 14' 53" W (-154.248) |
Alva Bay, Revillagigedo IslandLatitude: 55° 13' 42" N (55.2283)Longitude: 131° 7' 59" W (-131.133) |
Amak Island, Bristol BayLatitude: 55° 24' 48" N (55.4133)Longitude: 163° 6' 54" W (-163.115) |
American Bay, Kaigani StraitLatitude: 54° 51' 0" N (54.85)Longitude: 132° 49' 48" W (-132.83) |
Amukta Island, north side, Aleutian IslandsLatitude: 52° 31' 0" N (52.51667)Longitude: 171° 13' 60" W (-171.23333) |
Anchor Point, Cook InletLatitude: 59° 46' 19" N (59.77197)Longitude: 151° 52' 1" W (-151.86703) |
Anchor Point, Wrangell NarrowsLatitude: 56° 38' 18" N (56.6383)Longitude: 132° 55' 37" W (-132.927) |
Anchorage, Knik Arm, Cook InletLatitude: 61° 14' 15" N (61.2375)Longitude: 149° 53' 25" W (-149.8904) |
Anderson Bay, Unalaska IslandLatitude: 53° 40' 42" N (53.6783)Longitude: 166° 49' 55" W (-166.832) |
Andreon Bay, Shuyak IslandLatitude: 58° 31' 6" N (58.5183)Longitude: 152° 24' 54" W (-152.415) |
Anguilla Island, Gulf of EsquibelLatitude: 55° 40' 60" N (55.6833)Longitude: 133° 35' 13" W (-133.587) |
Apokak Creek entranceLatitude: 60° 8' 12" N (60.1367)Longitude: 162° 9' 29" W (-162.158) |
Apoon Mouth, Yukon River, Norton SoundLatitude: 63° 3' 0" N (63.05)Longitude: 163° 22' 60" W (-163.38333) |
Applegate Cove, Chuginadak Island, Aleutian IslandsLatitude: 52° 51' 42" N (52.8617)Longitude: 169° 51' 43" W (-169.862) |
Applegate Island, Prince William SoundLatitude: 60° 37' 24" N (60.6233)Longitude: 148° 9' 54" W (-148.165) |
Atka Pass, east end, Atka IslandLatitude: 52° 0' 24" N (52.0067)Longitude: 175° 19' 12" W (-175.32) |
Atka, Nazan Bay, Atka IslandLatitude: 52° 13' 55" N (52.23194)Longitude: 174° 10' 21" W (-174.1725) |
Attu, Massacre BayLatitude: 52° 50' 24" N (52.84)Longitude: 173° 11' 42" E (173.19501) |
Auke BayLatitude: 58° 22' 54" N (58.3817)Longitude: 134° 38' 42" W (-134.645) |
Bainbridge Point, Bainbridge Island, Prince William SoundLatitude: 60° 11' 48" N (60.1967)Longitude: 148° 2' 31" W (-148.04201) |
Baranof, Warm Spring BayLatitude: 57° 5' 18" N (57.08833)Longitude: 134° 49' 30" W (-134.825) |
Barlow Cove, Mansfield Peninsula, Lynn CanalLatitude: 58° 19' 18" N (58.3217)Longitude: 134° 52' 41" W (-134.878) |
Barrow (offshore)Latitude: 71° 21' 36" N (71.36011)Longitude: 156° 43' 47" W (-156.72986) |
Barter IslandLatitude: 70° 7' 43" N (70.12856)Longitude: 143° 36' 40" W (-143.61103) |
Bartlett Cove, Glacier BayLatitude: 58° 27' 24" N (58.4567)Longitude: 135° 52' 59" W (-135.883) |
Bay of Waterfalls, Adak IslandLatitude: 51° 38' 30" N (51.6417)Longitude: 176° 49' 30" W (-176.825) |
Bear BayLatitude: 57° 25' 6" N (57.4183)Longitude: 135° 34' 59" W (-135.583) |
Bear Cove, Aialik PeninsulaLatitude: 59° 48' 6" N (59.8017)Longitude: 149° 36' 54" W (-149.615) |
Bear Cove, Kachemak Bay, Cook InletLatitude: 59° 43' 30" N (59.725)Longitude: 151° 1' 23" W (-151.023) |
Beauty Bay, Nuka BayLatitude: 59° 31' 36" N (59.5267)Longitude: 150° 37' 41" W (-150.628) |
Beaver BayLatitude: 55° 28' 24" N (55.4733)Longitude: 160° 50' 24" W (-160.84) |
Bechevin Bay, Atka IslandLatitude: 52° 2' 12" N (52.0367)Longitude: 175° 6' 54" W (-175.115) |
Beck Island, Clarence StraitLatitude: 56° 2' 48" N (56.0467)Longitude: 132° 51' 43" W (-132.862) |
Beecher Pass, Wrangell NarrowsLatitude: 56° 35' 42" N (56.595)Longitude: 132° 59' 13" W (-132.987) |
Bethel, Kuskokwim RiverLatitude: 60° 48' 0" N (60.8)Longitude: 161° 45' 0" W (-161.75) |
Big Bay, Shuyak IslandLatitude: 58° 33' 18" N (58.555)Longitude: 152° 36' 47" W (-152.613) |
Biorka Village, Biverly InletLatitude: 53° 49' 44" N (53.82892)Longitude: 166° 12' 58" W (-166.21625) |
Bird Island, Shumagin Bank, Shumagin IslandsLatitude: 54° 50' 7" N (54.83522)Longitude: 159° 45' 34" W (-159.75956) |
Black Rock, Walrus Islands, Nushagak BayLatitude: 58° 42' 30" N (58.7083)Longitude: 160° 11' 17" W (-160.188) |
Blashke Island, Clarence StraitLatitude: 56° 7' 36" N (56.1267)Longitude: 132° 53' 42" W (-132.895) |
Block Island, Tlevak StraitLatitude: 55° 15' 48" N (55.2633)Longitude: 133° 6' 54" W (-133.11501) |
Boca de Quadra, Revillagigedo ChannelLatitude: 55° 7' 0" N (55.1167)Longitude: 130° 47' 53" W (-130.798) |
Bogoslof Island, Aleutian IslandsLatitude: 53° 55' 48" N (53.93)Longitude: 168° 1' 59" W (-168.033) |
Boot Bay, Adak IslandLatitude: 51° 42' 48" N (51.7133)Longitude: 176° 31' 48" W (-176.53) |
Bradfield CanalLatitude: 56° 10' 60" N (56.1833)Longitude: 131° 34' 19" W (-131.572) |
Broad Bight, Akutan Island, Aleutian IslandsLatitude: 54° 3' 52" N (54.06458)Longitude: 165° 56' 13" W (-165.93706) |
Brown Cove, Frederick SoundLatitude: 56° 52' 60" N (56.88333)Longitude: 132° 48' 0" W (-132.8) |
Buckland, Buckland RiverLatitude: 65° 58' 32" N (65.9755)Longitude: 161° 7' 30" W (-161.12497) |
Bugle Point, Great Sitkin Island, Aleutian IslandsLatitude: 52° 2' 18" N (52.0383)Longitude: 175° 58' 48" W (-175.98) |
Burrough Bay, Behm CanalLatitude: 56° 2' 18" N (56.0383)Longitude: 131° 5' 42" W (-131.095) |
Busby Island, Valdez ArmLatitude: 60° 53' 54" N (60.8983)Longitude: 146° 46' 55" W (-146.782) |
Bushy Island, Snow PassageLatitude: 56° 16' 36" N (56.2767)Longitude: 132° 59' 6" W (-132.985) |
Camp Cove, Harris PeninsulaLatitude: 59° 41' 36" N (59.6933)Longitude: 149° 44' 53" W (-149.748) |
Cannery Cove, Pybus Bay, Frederick SoundLatitude: 57° 18' 24" N (57.3067)Longitude: 134° 7' 59" W (-134.133) |
Canoe Cove, North Pass, Lisianski Strait and InletLatitude: 57° 50' 48" N (57.8467)Longitude: 136° 25' 19" W (-136.422) |
Cape Chlanak, Kanaga IslandLatitude: 51° 42' 36" N (51.71)Longitude: 177° 8' 42" W (-177.145) |
Cape Chunak, Unimak IslandLatitude: 55° 3' 51" N (55.06428)Longitude: 163° 32' 3" W (-163.53417) |
Cape Chunu, Kanaga IslandLatitude: 51° 39' 54" N (51.665)Longitude: 177° 38' 13" W (-177.637) |
Cape Constantine, Nushagak PeninsulaLatitude: 58° 31' 18" N (58.5217)Longitude: 159° 9' 7" W (-159.15199) |
Cape Espenberg, Kotzebue SoundLatitude: 66° 35' 8" N (66.58569)Longitude: 164° 15' 3" W (-164.25083) |
Cape Hinchinbrook, Hinchinbrook IslandLatitude: 60° 14' 18" N (60.2383)Longitude: 146° 38' 53" W (-146.64799) |
Cape Kasilof, Cook InletLatitude: 60° 20' 12" N (60.3367)Longitude: 151° 22' 48" W (-151.38) |
Cape Krusenstern, Kotzebue SoundLatitude: 67° 3' 15" N (67.05419)Longitude: 163° 19' 17" W (-163.32128) |
Cape Mordvinof, Unimak IslandLatitude: 54° 55' 42" N (54.9283)Longitude: 164° 28' 1" W (-164.467) |
Cape Ninilchik, Cook InletLatitude: 60° 1' 0" N (60.01667)Longitude: 151° 43' 0" W (-151.71667) |
Cape Peirce, west side, Bristol BayLatitude: 58° 37' 36" N (58.6267)Longitude: 161° 50' 13" W (-161.837) |
Cape Sagak, Umnak IslandLatitude: 52° 50' 30" N (52.8417)Longitude: 169° 2' 35" W (-169.043) |
Cape Sarichef, Unimak IslandLatitude: 54° 36' 0" N (54.6)Longitude: 164° 55' 41" W (-164.928) |
Cape Utalug (4 miles west of), Atka IslandLatitude: 52° 7' 6" N (52.1183)Longitude: 174° 12' 25" W (-174.207) |
Carry Inlet, Shuyak IslandLatitude: 58° 35' 12" N (58.5867)Longitude: 152° 30' 47" W (-152.513) |
Carter Bay, Kuskokwim BayLatitude: 59° 22' 41" N (59.37802)Longitude: 162° 1' 46" W (-162.02933) |
Castle Bay, Northwest ArmLatitude: 56° 13' 54" N (56.2317)Longitude: 158° 20' 49" W (-158.347) |
Chance Cove (Lagoon)Latitude: 59° 29' 18" N (59.4883)Longitude: 150° 18' 43" W (-150.312) |
Chankliut IslandLatitude: 56° 8' 48" N (56.1467)Longitude: 158° 6' 25" W (-158.107) |
Chefornak, Kinia River, Yukon DeltaLatitude: 60° 9' 34" N (60.1594)Longitude: 164° 16' 21" W (-164.2726) |
Chenega Island, Dangerous Passage, Prince William SoundLatitude: 60° 19' 48" N (60.33)Longitude: 148° 8' 35" W (-148.143) |
Chenega Island, southwest end, Prince William SoundLatitude: 60° 16' 60" N (60.2833)Longitude: 148° 6' 47" W (-148.113) |
Chernofski Harbor, Unalaska IslandLatitude: 53° 23' 42" N (53.395)Longitude: 167° 31' 59" W (-167.533) |
Chiachi Island (East Side)Latitude: 55° 50' 36" N (55.8433)Longitude: 159° 6' 18" W (-159.105) |
Chichagof Harbor, Attu IslandLatitude: 52° 55' 0" N (52.9167)Longitude: 173° 13' 0" E (173.21671) |
Chignik, Anchorage BayLatitude: 56° 17' 48" N (56.2967)Longitude: 158° 24' 0" W (-158.4) |
Chilkat Inlet, Lynn CanalLatitude: 59° 10' 12" N (59.17)Longitude: 135° 24' 0" W (-135.4) |
Chinulna Point, Cook InletLatitude: 60° 30' 12" N (60.5033)Longitude: 151° 16' 59" W (-151.283) |
Chirikof IslandLatitude: 55° 48' 30" N (55.8083)Longitude: 155° 44' 24" W (-155.74) |
Chowiet Island, Semidi IslandLatitude: 56° 3' 6" N (56.0517)Longitude: 156° 41' 53" W (-156.698) |
Clarks Point, Nushagak BayLatitude: 58° 50' 54" N (58.8483)Longitude: 158° 33' 7" W (-158.552) |
Cleveland Passage, Whitney Island, Frederick SoundLatitude: 57° 13' 6" N (57.2183)Longitude: 133° 30' 43" W (-133.512) |
Cold BayLatitude: 55° 12' 30" N (55.2083)Longitude: 162° 41' 53" W (-162.698) |
College Fiord, Prince William SoundLatitude: 61° 12' 21" N (61.2058)Longitude: 147° 45' 41" W (-147.76142) |
Comfort Cove, Port Gravina, Prince William SoundLatitude: 60° 42' 36" N (60.71)Longitude: 146° 5' 6" W (-146.085) |
Composite Island, Glacier BayLatitude: 58° 53' 18" N (58.8883)Longitude: 136° 34' 23" W (-136.573) |
Constantine Harbor, Amchitka Island, Rat IslandsLatitude: 51° 25' 0" N (51.4167)Longitude: 179° 16' 60" E (179.28329) |
Coon Island, George Inlet, Revillagigedo ChannelLatitude: 55° 27' 42" N (55.4617)Longitude: 131° 30' 18" W (-131.505) |
Copper Harbor, Hetta InletLatitude: 55° 12' 36" N (55.21)Longitude: 132° 37' 30" W (-132.625) |
Cordova, Orca Inlet, Prince William SdLatitude: 60° 33' 30" N (60.5583)Longitude: 145° 45' 18" W (-145.755) |
Coronation IslandLatitude: 55° 54' 12" N (55.9033)Longitude: 134° 7' 5" W (-134.118) |
Cosmos Point, Frederick SoundLatitude: 56° 39' 48" N (56.6633)Longitude: 132° 37' 1" W (-132.617) |
Cove Point, Berner's Bay, Lynn CanalLatitude: 58° 45' 6" N (58.7517)Longitude: 135° 1' 41" W (-135.028) |
Craig, Klawock Inlet, Bucareli BayLatitude: 55° 29' 18" N (55.4883)Longitude: 133° 8' 31" W (-133.142) |
Crater Bay, Harris BayLatitude: 59° 42' 48" N (59.7133)Longitude: 149° 47' 13" W (-149.787) |
Cruz Pass, San Fernando Island, Bucareli BayLatitude: 55° 32' 30" N (55.5417)Longitude: 133° 18' 54" W (-133.315) |
Culross Bay, Wells Passage, Prince William SoundLatitude: 60° 44' 30" N (60.7417)Longitude: 148° 10' 19" W (-148.172) |
Custom House Cove, Mary IslandLatitude: 55° 6' 0" N (55.1)Longitude: 131° 13' 1" W (-131.217) |
Cyrus Cove, Sea Otter Sound, Davidson InletLatitude: 55° 55' 0" N (55.91667)Longitude: 133° 24' 0" W (-133.4) |
Dago Creek Mouth, Ugashik Bay, Bristol BayLatitude: 57° 36' 53" N (57.6148)Longitude: 157° 36' 2" W (-157.60069) |
Dall Point, Hooper BayLatitude: 61° 31' 54" N (61.5317)Longitude: 166° 8' 53" W (-166.148) |
Davis River entranceLatitude: 55° 45' 36" N (55.76)Longitude: 130° 10' 37" W (-130.177) |
Day HarborLatitude: 60° 0' 36" N (60.01)Longitude: 149° 3' 43" W (-149.062) |
Deering, Kotzebue SoundLatitude: 66° 5' 50" N (66.09717)Longitude: 162° 44' 26" W (-162.74047) |
Dent Point, Stepovak BayLatitude: 55° 46' 60" N (55.7833)Longitude: 159° 52' 48" W (-159.88) |
Divide Head, Cholmondeley SoundLatitude: 55° 15' 6" N (55.2517)Longitude: 132° 18' 0" W (-132.3) |
Dixon HarborLatitude: 58° 22' 60" N (58.3833)Longitude: 136° 52' 1" W (-136.867) |
Dolgoi Harbor, Dolgoi IslandLatitude: 55° 7' 18" N (55.1217)Longitude: 161° 47' 31" W (-161.79201) |
Dolphin Point, Raspberry StraitLatitude: 58° 6' 36" N (58.11)Longitude: 153° 9' 18" W (-153.155) |
Dora Harbor, Unimak IslandLatitude: 54° 42' 36" N (54.71)Longitude: 163° 16' 1" W (-163.267) |
Dorothy Cove, Necker Bay, Baranof IslandLatitude: 56° 43' 18" N (56.7217)Longitude: 135° 4' 30" W (-135.075) |
Drift River Terminal, Cook InletLatitude: 60° 33' 18" N (60.555)Longitude: 152° 7' 59" W (-152.133) |
Driftwood Bay, Umnak IslandLatitude: 52° 57' 30" N (52.9583)Longitude: 168° 43' 12" W (-168.72) |
Dry Pass, El Capitan PassageLatitude: 56° 9' 48" N (56.1633)Longitude: 133° 24' 47" W (-133.413) |
Dry Spruce Island, Kupreanof StraitLatitude: 57° 57' 0" N (57.95)Longitude: 153° 1' 60" W (-153.03333) |
Dry Strait, Frederick SoundLatitude: 56° 36' 54" N (56.615)Longitude: 132° 34' 30" W (-132.575) |
Dutch Harbor, Amaknak Island, Unalaska IslandLatitude: 53° 53' 30" N (53.8917)Longitude: 166° 32' 13" W (-166.537) |
Eagle Bay, Unalaska IslandLatitude: 53° 28' 60" N (53.48333)Longitude: 166° 55' 60" W (-166.93333) |
East Cove, Yunaska IslandLatitude: 52° 39' 12" N (52.6533)Longitude: 170° 33' 47" W (-170.563) |
East Foreland, Cook InletLatitude: 60° 43' 0" N (60.71667)Longitude: 151° 25' 0" W (-151.41667) |
Edna Bay, Davidson InletLatitude: 55° 57' 0" N (55.95)Longitude: 133° 39' 43" W (-133.662) |
Egegik River entranceLatitude: 58° 14' 18" N (58.2383)Longitude: 157° 30' 0" W (-157.5) |
Egegik, Egegik RiverLatitude: 58° 13' 0" N (58.2167)Longitude: 157° 22' 30" W (-157.375) |
El Capitan Island, Davidson InletLatitude: 55° 56' 12" N (55.9367)Longitude: 133° 19' 30" W (-133.325) |
El Capitan PassageLatitude: 56° 4' 24" N (56.0733)Longitude: 133° 18' 47" W (-133.313) |
El Capitan Passage, W. of Aneskett Pt.Latitude: 56° 9' 48" N (56.1633)Longitude: 133° 19' 48" W (-133.33) |
Elbow BayLatitude: 54° 54' 0" N (54.9)Longitude: 132° 39' 11" W (-132.653) |
Elbow Passage, Klag Bay, Chichagof IslandLatitude: 57° 36' 48" N (57.6133)Longitude: 136° 5' 13" W (-136.087) |
Elfin Cove, Port Althorp, Cross SoundLatitude: 58° 11' 41" N (58.19472)Longitude: 136° 20' 49" W (-136.34694) |
Eliza Harbor, Admiralty Island, Frederick SoundLatitude: 57° 11' 18" N (57.1883)Longitude: 134° 17' 13" W (-134.287) |
Eliza Harbor, Liesnoi Island, Frederick SoundLatitude: 57° 10' 0" N (57.16667)Longitude: 134° 16' 60" W (-134.28333) |
Emmonak, Kwiguk Pass, Yukon River, Norton SoundLatitude: 62° 46' 39" N (62.7775)Longitude: 164° 32' 49" W (-164.54691) |
English Bay, Unalaska IslandLatitude: 53° 55' 30" N (53.925)Longitude: 166° 15' 25" W (-166.257) |
Entrance Island, Keku StraitLatitude: 56° 48' 42" N (56.8117)Longitude: 133° 47' 13" W (-133.787) |
Eshamy Bay, Knight Island Passage, Prince William SoundLatitude: 60° 26' 54" N (60.4483)Longitude: 147° 58' 41" W (-147.978) |
Eshamy Lagoon, Prince William SoundLatitude: 60° 27' 42" N (60.4617)Longitude: 148° 2' 42" W (-148.045) |
Etienne Bay, Attu IslandLatitude: 52° 55' 0" N (52.91669845581055)Longitude: 172° 37' 0" E (172.61669921875) |
Excursion Inlet Entrance, Icy StraitLatitude: 58° 25' 0" N (58.4167)Longitude: 135° 26' 49" W (-135.447) |
Excursion Inlet, Icy StraitLatitude: 58° 29' 48" N (58.4967)Longitude: 135° 29' 17" W (-135.488) |
Explorer Bay, Atka IslandLatitude: 52° 4' 24" N (52.0733)Longitude: 174° 34' 5" W (-174.568) |
Eyak River entranceLatitude: 60° 28' 0" N (60.46667)Longitude: 145° 40' 0" W (-145.66667) |
Fairway IslandLatitude: 57° 27' 0" N (57.45)Longitude: 134° 52' 60" W (-134.88333) |
Falcon Arm, Slocum Arm, Chichagof IslandLatitude: 57° 33' 0" N (57.55)Longitude: 135° 55' 60" W (-135.93333) |
False Bay, Chatham StraitLatitude: 57° 58' 0" N (57.9667)Longitude: 134° 56' 6" W (-134.935) |
False Pass, Isanotski Strait, Unimak IslandLatitude: 54° 51' 30" N (54.8583)Longitude: 163° 24' 25" W (-163.407) |
Favorite Bay, Kootznahoo InletLatitude: 57° 28' 60" N (57.48333)Longitude: 134° 33' 0" W (-134.55) |
Fenimore Pass, Aleutian IslandsLatitude: 51° 57' 36" N (51.96)Longitude: 175° 35' 17" W (-175.588) |
Finch Cove, Seguam Island, Aleutian IslandsLatitude: 52° 23' 30" N (52.3917)Longitude: 172° 24' 18" W (-172.405) |
Fire Island, Cook InletLatitude: 61° 10' 24" N (61.1733)Longitude: 150° 12' 47" W (-150.213) |
Fitzgibbon CoveLatitude: 55° 58' 60" N (55.9833)Longitude: 131° 10' 30" W (-131.175) |
Flaxman IslandLatitude: 70° 10' 60" N (70.18333)Longitude: 145° 49' 60" W (-145.83333) |
Fossil River entrance, St. Lawrence IslandLatitude: 63° 28' 0" N (63.4667)Longitude: 170° 1' 1" W (-170.017) |
Fox Bay, Kupreanof PeninsulaLatitude: 55° 37' 60" N (55.63333)Longitude: 159° 37' 0" W (-159.61667) |
Fox Bay, Whale IslandLatitude: 57° 58' 42" N (57.9783)Longitude: 152° 45' 18" W (-152.755) |
Freshwater Bay, Chichagof IslandLatitude: 57° 51' 0" N (57.85)Longitude: 135° 1' 0" W (-135.01667) |
Fritz Cove, Douglas IslandLatitude: 58° 19' 0" N (58.31667)Longitude: 134° 36' 0" W (-134.6) |
Funter, Funter Bay, Lynn CanalLatitude: 58° 15' 18" N (58.255)Longitude: 134° 53' 42" W (-134.895) |
Gambier Bay (cannery wharf)Latitude: 57° 28' 60" N (57.4833)Longitude: 133° 57' 36" W (-133.96) |
Gareloi Island, Delarof IslandsLatitude: 51° 45' 0" N (51.75)Longitude: 178° 48' 0" W (-178.8) |
Gertrude Cove, Kiska Island, Rat IslandsLatitude: 51° 55' 60" N (51.9333)Longitude: 177° 27' 0" E (177.45) |
Gibbon Anchorage, Green Island, Prince William SoundLatitude: 60° 16' 12" N (60.27)Longitude: 147° 26' 17" W (-147.438) |
Golf Island, Necker IslandsLatitude: 56° 47' 12" N (56.7867)Longitude: 135° 23' 35" W (-135.393) |
Golovin, Golovnin Lagoon entrance, Norton SoundLatitude: 64° 32' 47" N (64.54628)Longitude: 163° 1' 54" W (-163.03167) |
Good Island, Gambier BayLatitude: 57° 29' 12" N (57.4867)Longitude: 133° 53' 53" W (-133.898) |
Goodhope Bay, Kotzebue SoundLatitude: 66° 13' 49" N (66.2303)Longitude: 163° 54' 15" W (-163.9041) |
Goodnews BayLatitude: 59° 6' 52" N (59.1144)Longitude: 161° 35' 4" W (-161.5844) |
Goodnews Bay entranceLatitude: 59° 2' 42" N (59.045)Longitude: 161° 48' 29" W (-161.808) |
Goose Creek, Knik Arm, Cook InletLatitude: 61° 23' 36" N (61.3933)Longitude: 149° 50' 49" W (-149.847) |
Grant Point, Izembek Lagoon, Bristol BayLatitude: 55° 16' 12" N (55.27)Longitude: 162° 54' 0" W (-162.9) |
Gravel Point, Orca InletLatitude: 60° 28' 0" N (60.46667)Longitude: 145° 58' 0" W (-145.96667) |
Graves HarborLatitude: 58° 16' 36" N (58.2767)Longitude: 136° 40' 41" W (-136.678) |
Gravina River, Prince William SoundLatitude: 60° 46' 0" N (60.766700744628906)Longitude: 146° 5' 5" W (-146.0845947265625) |
Greely Point, Taku InletLatitude: 58° 13' 24" N (58.2233)Longitude: 134° 3' 36" W (-134.06) |
Green Bight, Akutan Island, Aleutian IslandsLatitude: 54° 6' 37" N (54.11028)Longitude: 165° 39' 41" W (-165.66139) |
Greys IslandLatitude: 56° 31' 18" N (56.5217)Longitude: 132° 32' 31" W (-132.542) |
GuguakLatitude: 60° 6' 0" N (60.1)Longitude: 148° 2' 17" W (-148.038) |
Haines Inlet, Lynn CanalLatitude: 59° 13' 48" N (59.23)Longitude: 135° 25' 59" W (-135.433) |
Haley Anchorage, Fish BayLatitude: 57° 22' 18" N (57.3717)Longitude: 135° 37' 5" W (-135.618) |
Halibut Cove, Kachemak Bay, Cook InletLatitude: 59° 35' 48" N (59.5967)Longitude: 151° 13' 12" W (-151.22) |
Hanning Bay, Montague IslandLatitude: 59° 57' 0" N (59.95)Longitude: 147° 40' 60" W (-147.68333) |
Hawk Inlet EntranceLatitude: 58° 5' 6" N (58.085)Longitude: 134° 46' 37" W (-134.777) |
Helmick Point (SE of), Kuskokwim RiverLatitude: 60° 16' 13" N (60.2703)Longitude: 162° 24' 37" W (-162.4102) |
Herbert Island, west side, Aleutian IslandsLatitude: 52° 43' 0" N (52.71667)Longitude: 170° 9' 0" W (-170.15) |
Herendeen Island, Shumagin IslandsLatitude: 55° 3' 56" N (55.06556)Longitude: 159° 25' 7" W (-159.41867) |
Herring Bay, Frederick SoundLatitude: 57° 6' 48" N (57.1133)Longitude: 134° 22' 48" W (-134.38) |
Herring Point, Knight Island, Prince William SoundLatitude: 60° 28' 30" N (60.475)Longitude: 147° 47' 31" W (-147.792) |
Hobart BayLatitude: 57° 24' 24" N (57.4067)Longitude: 133° 25' 12" W (-133.42) |
Hogg Bay, Port Bainbridge, Prince William SoundLatitude: 60° 4' 36" N (60.0767)Longitude: 148° 11' 42" W (-148.195) |
Holkham Bay, Tracy Arm EntranceLatitude: 57° 45' 36" N (57.76)Longitude: 133° 36' 11" W (-133.603) |
Holkham Bay, Wood SpitLatitude: 57° 43' 6" N (57.7183)Longitude: 133° 34' 41" W (-133.578) |
Hollis Anchorage, Kasaan BayLatitude: 55° 28' 48" N (55.48)Longitude: 132° 38' 42" W (-132.645) |
Holtz Bay, Attu IslandLatitude: 52° 55' 0" N (52.9167)Longitude: 173° 10' 0" E (173.1667) |
Homer, Coal Point, Kachemak Bay, Cook InletLatitude: 59° 36' 5" N (59.6014)Longitude: 151° 24' 38" W (-151.4106) |
Hoonah, Port FredrickLatitude: 58° 6' 27" N (58.10756)Longitude: 135° 26' 39" W (-135.44419) |
Hot Springs Bay, Tanaga IslandLatitude: 51° 46' 42" N (51.7783)Longitude: 177° 48' 0" W (-177.8) |
Hump Island, Kuiukta BayLatitude: 56° 6' 48" N (56.1133)Longitude: 158° 35' 53" W (-158.598) |
Hunter BayLatitude: 54° 52' 18" N (54.8717)Longitude: 132° 19' 19" W (-132.322) |
Hydaburg, Sukkwan StraitLatitude: 55° 12' 6" N (55.2017)Longitude: 132° 49' 23" W (-132.823) |
Hyder, Portland CanalLatitude: 55° 54' 16" N (55.9045)Longitude: 130° 0' 39" W (-130.0108) |
Ideal Cove, Mitkof Island, Frederick SoundLatitude: 56° 40' 0" N (56.66667)Longitude: 132° 37' 60" W (-132.63333) |
Iliamna Bay, Cook InletLatitude: 59° 37' 0" N (59.61667)Longitude: 153° 34' 60" W (-153.58333) |
Imuruk BasinLatitude: 65° 7' 6" N (65.11844)Longitude: 165° 28' 19" W (-165.47206) |
Inanudak Bay, Umnak IslandLatitude: 53° 17' 48" N (53.2967)Longitude: 168° 21' 7" W (-168.352) |
Ingraham Bay, Prince of Wales IslandLatitude: 54° 58' 48" N (54.98)Longitude: 132° 0' 25" W (-132.007) |
Inian Cove, North Inian Pass, Cross SoundLatitude: 58° 15' 48" N (58.2633)Longitude: 136° 19' 30" W (-136.325) |
Isanotski Strait Entrance, Aleutian IslandsLatitude: 54° 46' 42" N (54.77844)Longitude: 163° 21' 51" W (-163.36428) |
Izhut BayLatitude: 58° 13' 0" N (58.21667)Longitude: 152° 19' 0" W (-152.31667) |
Jack Bay, Valdez ArmLatitude: 61° 2' 24" N (61.04)Longitude: 146° 36' 54" W (-146.615) |
Jackson Cove, Glacier Island, Prince William SoundLatitude: 60° 52' 48" N (60.88)Longitude: 147° 13' 23" W (-147.223) |
Japanese Bay, Kodiak IslandLatitude: 56° 57' 36" N (56.96)Longitude: 153° 41' 13" W (-153.687) |
Johnstone Passage, Yakutat BayLatitude: 59° 34' 54" N (59.5817)Longitude: 139° 42' 7" W (-139.702) |
Johnstone Point, Hinchinbrook IslandLatitude: 60° 28' 54" N (60.4817)Longitude: 146° 36' 36" W (-146.61) |
Juneau, Gastineau Channel, Stephens PassLatitude: 58° 17' 54" N (58.2983)Longitude: 134° 24' 43" W (-134.412) |
Kah Shakes Cove, Revillagigedo ChannelLatitude: 55° 2' 30" N (55.0417)Longitude: 130° 58' 48" W (-130.98) |
Kake Harbor, Keku StraitLatitude: 56° 56' 54" N (56.94831)Longitude: 133° 53' 41" W (-133.89472) |
Kaligan Island (North End), Cook InletLatitude: 60° 30' 42" N (60.5117)Longitude: 151° 57' 7" W (-151.952) |
Kanaga Bay, Kanaga IslandLatitude: 51° 43' 6" N (51.7183)Longitude: 177° 12' 0" W (-177.2) |
Kanatak Lagoon, Portage BayLatitude: 57° 31' 12" N (57.52)Longitude: 156° 3' 7" W (-156.052) |
Kasaan, Kasaan BayLatitude: 55° 32' 6" N (55.535)Longitude: 132° 23' 49" W (-132.397) |
Kashega Bay, Unalaska IslandLatitude: 53° 28' 0" N (53.46667)Longitude: 167° 4' 60" W (-167.08333) |
Kasitsna Bay, Kachemak BayLatitude: 59° 28' 6" N (59.46831)Longitude: 151° 33' 54" W (-151.565) |
Kasnyku BayLatitude: 57° 13' 0" N (57.2167)Longitude: 134° 52' 5" W (-134.868) |
Kasook Inlet, Sukkwan Island, Tlevak StraitLatitude: 55° 1' 0" N (55.01667)Longitude: 132° 46' 60" W (-132.78333) |
Kassa Inlet entranceLatitude: 54° 55' 36" N (54.9267)Longitude: 132° 31' 19" W (-132.522) |
Katmai Bay, Shelikof StraitLatitude: 58° 0' 0" N (58)Longitude: 154° 58' 60" W (-154.98333) |
Kazakof Bay, Marmot BayLatitude: 58° 7' 60" N (58.13333)Longitude: 152° 34' 0" W (-152.56667) |
Keete InletLatitude: 55° 4' 48" N (55.08)Longitude: 132° 29' 24" W (-132.49) |
Keete Island, Nutkwa InletsLatitude: 55° 2' 48" N (55.0467)Longitude: 132° 34' 37" W (-132.577) |
Kell Bay, Affleck Canal, Kuiu IslandLatitude: 56° 9' 0" N (56.15)Longitude: 134° 7' 59" W (-134.133) |
Kelp Island Passage, Duke Island, Dixon EntranceLatitude: 54° 52' 36" N (54.8767)Longitude: 131° 18' 0" W (-131.3) |
Kenai City Pier, Cook InletLatitude: 60° 32' 42" N (60.545)Longitude: 151° 13' 5" W (-151.218) |
Kenai River entrance, Cook InletLatitude: 60° 33' 0" N (60.55)Longitude: 151° 16' 60" W (-151.28333) |
Ketchikan, Tongass NarrowsLatitude: 55° 19' 55" N (55.33183)Longitude: 131° 37' 34" W (-131.62619) |
Kigul Island, Umnak IslandLatitude: 53° 2' 42" N (53.045)Longitude: 168° 26' 31" W (-168.442) |
KillisnooLatitude: 57° 28' 12" N (57.47)Longitude: 134° 33' 54" W (-134.565) |
Kimshan Cove, Ogden Passage, Chichagof IslandLatitude: 57° 41' 12" N (57.6867)Longitude: 136° 6' 25" W (-136.107) |
King Cove, Deer PassageLatitude: 55° 3' 36" N (55.05989)Longitude: 162° 19' 34" W (-162.32611) |
King Salmon Airport, Naknek RiverLatitude: 58° 40' 18" N (58.6717)Longitude: 156° 39' 25" W (-156.657) |
Kings Bay, Port Nellie Juan, Prince William SoundLatitude: 60° 32' 30" N (60.5417)Longitude: 148° 27' 36" W (-148.46) |
KipnukLatitude: 59° 56' 35" N (59.94319)Longitude: 164° 2' 36" W (-164.0434) |
Kiska Harbor, Kiska Island, Rat IslandsLatitude: 51° 58' 60" N (51.9833)Longitude: 177° 33' 0" E (177.55) |
Kisselen Bay, Beaver Inlet, Unalaska IslandLatitude: 53° 42' 48" N (53.7133)Longitude: 166° 34' 19" W (-166.572) |
KivalinaLatitude: 67° 43' 36" N (67.7267)Longitude: 164° 35' 31" W (-164.592) |
Kizhuyak BayLatitude: 57° 49' 12" N (57.82)Longitude: 152° 54' 0" W (-152.9) |
Kizhuyak PointLatitude: 57° 54' 0" N (57.9)Longitude: 152° 39' 0" W (-152.65) |
Klokachef IslandLatitude: 57° 25' 0" N (57.4167)Longitude: 135° 53' 24" W (-135.89) |
Kodiak, Port of KodiakLatitude: 57° 46' 60" N (57.7833)Longitude: 152° 25' 41" W (-152.428) |
Kodiak, St. Paul HarborLatitude: 57° 44' 42" N (57.745)Longitude: 152° 28' 59" W (-152.483) |
Kodiak, Women's BayLatitude: 57° 43' 49" N (57.73028)Longitude: 152° 30' 50" W (-152.51389) |
Kotlik, Kotlik River, Norton SoundLatitude: 63° 2' 16" N (63.0379)Longitude: 163° 31' 35" W (-163.5265) |
Kotzebue, Kotzebue SoundLatitude: 66° 54' 6" N (66.9017)Longitude: 162° 34' 55" W (-162.582) |
Koyuk, Norton BayLatitude: 64° 55' 52" N (64.9312)Longitude: 161° 9' 3" W (-161.1508) |
Kuiu Island, Affleck CanalLatitude: 56° 2' 13" N (56.0369)Longitude: 134° 6' 54" W (-134.115) |
Kujulik Bay (North Shore)Latitude: 56° 36' 48" N (56.6133)Longitude: 157° 58' 59" W (-157.983) |
Kukak, Kukak BayLatitude: 58° 20' 30" N (58.3417)Longitude: 154° 7' 1" W (-154.117) |
Kuliliak Bay, Unalaska IslandLatitude: 53° 27' 42" N (53.4617)Longitude: 167° 1' 12" W (-167.02) |
Kulukak PointLatitude: 58° 50' 24" N (58.84)Longitude: 159° 38' 49" W (-159.647) |
Kun River, Scammon BayLatitude: 61° 50' 30" N (61.8417)Longitude: 165° 34' 1" W (-165.567) |
Kupreanof Harbor, Paul IslandLatitude: 55° 47' 24" N (55.79)Longitude: 159° 21' 0" W (-159.35) |
Kvichak, Kvichak RiverLatitude: 58° 58' 12" N (58.97)Longitude: 156° 56' 49" W (-156.947) |
Lake BayLatitude: 56° 1' 24" N (56.0233)Longitude: 132° 55' 12" W (-132.92) |
Lancaster Cove, Cholmondeley SoundLatitude: 55° 12' 48" N (55.2133)Longitude: 132° 5' 42" W (-132.095) |
Landlocked Bay, Port Fidalgo, Prince William SoundLatitude: 60° 51' 12" N (60.8533)Longitude: 146° 32' 6" W (-146.535) |
Larsen Bay, Kodiak IslandLatitude: 57° 31' 60" N (57.5333)Longitude: 153° 59' 24" W (-153.99) |
Lash Bay, Tanaga IslandLatitude: 51° 40' 18" N (51.6717)Longitude: 178° 2' 42" W (-178.045) |
Laska Cove, Kagalaska Island, Aleutian IslandsLatitude: 51° 49' 30" N (51.825)Longitude: 176° 24' 7" W (-176.402) |
Latouche, Latouche Island, Prince William SoundLatitude: 60° 3' 12" N (60.0533)Longitude: 147° 54' 25" W (-147.907) |
Leconte Bay, Frederick SoundLatitude: 56° 47' 18" N (56.7883)Longitude: 132° 30' 7" W (-132.502) |
Lees Cabins, Wide BayLatitude: 57° 25' 60" N (57.43333)Longitude: 156° 18' 0" W (-156.3) |
Lenard Harbor, Cold BayLatitude: 55° 7' 6" N (55.1183)Longitude: 162° 22' 41" W (-162.378) |
Levelock, Kvichak RiverLatitude: 59° 6' 48" N (59.1133)Longitude: 156° 49' 55" W (-156.832) |
Lincoln Island, Lynn CanalLatitude: 58° 29' 54" N (58.4983)Longitude: 134° 57' 54" W (-134.965) |
Lindeman Cove, Kasaan BayLatitude: 55° 36' 6" N (55.6017)Longitude: 132° 30' 43" W (-132.512) |
Lindenburg HeadLatitude: 57° 27' 0" N (57.45)Longitude: 135° 1' 60" W (-135.03333) |
Lituya Bay (2 miles inside entrance)Latitude: 58° 37' 0" N (58.6167)Longitude: 137° 39' 0" W (-137.65) |
LomavikLatitude: 60° 33' 15" N (60.5543)Longitude: 162° 17' 50" W (-162.2971) |
Long Bay Entrance, Culross Passage, Prince William SoundLatitude: 60° 41' 30" N (60.6917)Longitude: 148° 15' 47" W (-148.263) |
Loring, Naha BayLatitude: 55° 36' 6" N (55.6017)Longitude: 131° 37' 55" W (-131.632) |
Lost River, Seward PeninsulaLatitude: 65° 23' 24" N (65.39)Longitude: 167° 8' 42" W (-167.145) |
Louis Bay, Knight Island, Prince William SoundLatitude: 60° 27' 42" N (60.4617)Longitude: 147° 40' 19" W (-147.672) |
Mabel IslandLatitude: 55° 0' 0" N (55)Longitude: 132° 35' 31" W (-132.592) |
Macleod Harbor, Montague Island, Prince William SoundLatitude: 59° 53' 24" N (59.89)Longitude: 147° 47' 42" W (-147.795) |
Madan Bay, Clarence StraitLatitude: 56° 23' 32" N (56.3922)Longitude: 132° 10' 8" W (-132.169) |
Magnetic Point, Union Bay, Earnest SoundLatitude: 55° 47' 18" N (55.78828)Longitude: 132° 11' 27" W (-132.19088) |
Malga Bay, Unalga Island, Aleutian IslandsLatitude: 53° 58' 60" N (53.98333)Longitude: 166° 10' 0" W (-166.16667) |
Malina Bay, Shelikof StraitLatitude: 58° 10' 60" N (58.18333)Longitude: 152° 57' 0" W (-152.95) |
Marble Island, Davidson InletLatitude: 56° 0' 0" N (56)Longitude: 133° 28' 0" W (-133.46667) |
Marmot Island, Marmot StraitLatitude: 58° 13' 60" N (58.23333)Longitude: 151° 52' 0" W (-151.86667) |
Martin Harbor, Korovin Bay, Atka IslandLatitude: 52° 13' 36" N (52.2267)Longitude: 174° 17' 31" W (-174.292) |
McCarty Fiord, Kenai PeninsulaLatitude: 59° 30' 42" N (59.5116)Longitude: 150° 21' 19" W (-150.35517) |
Mekoryuk, Mekoryuk River EntranceLatitude: 60° 25' 0" N (60.4167)Longitude: 166° 10' 1" W (-166.167) |
Menefee Anch., Prince of Wales IslandLatitude: 55° 1' 36" N (55.0267)Longitude: 132° 0' 47" W (-132.013) |
Meshik, Port Heiden, Bristol BayLatitude: 56° 54' 30" N (56.9083)Longitude: 158° 41' 6" W (-158.68491) |
Metlakatla, Port ChesterLatitude: 55° 7' 42" N (55.1283)Longitude: 131° 34' 1" W (-131.567) |
Middle Bluff, Kvichak Bay, Bristol BayLatitude: 58° 27' 12" N (58.4533)Longitude: 157° 30' 0" W (-157.5) |
Middleton Island (North End)Latitude: 59° 27' 42" N (59.4617)Longitude: 146° 18' 36" W (-146.31) |
Miner Island, Lisianski Strait and InletLatitude: 58° 0' 36" N (58.01)Longitude: 136° 20' 31" W (-136.342) |
Mining Camp, Uyak BayLatitude: 57° 27' 36" N (57.46)Longitude: 153° 49' 1" W (-153.817) |
Minnie BayLatitude: 54° 43' 36" N (54.7267)Longitude: 132° 18' 7" W (-132.302) |
Mist Harbor, Nagai Island, Shumagin IslandsLatitude: 55° 7' 60" N (55.13333)Longitude: 159° 51' 0" W (-159.85) |
Mitchell Bay, Kootznahoo InletLatitude: 57° 31' 60" N (57.53333)Longitude: 134° 24' 0" W (-134.4) |
Mitrofania IslandLatitude: 55° 53' 24" N (55.89)Longitude: 158° 49' 12" W (-158.82) |
Montague IslandLatitude: 60° 1' 30" N (60.025)Longitude: 147° 35' 31" W (-147.592) |
Monte Carlo Island, Keku StraitLatitude: 56° 32' 6" N (56.535)Longitude: 133° 46' 1" W (-133.767) |
Mop Point, Thorne Arm, Revillagigedo ChannelLatitude: 55° 22' 60" N (55.3833)Longitude: 131° 14' 6" W (-131.235) |
Moraine Bay, Icy BayLatitude: 59° 55' 48" N (59.93)Longitude: 141° 21' 47" W (-141.36301) |
Morse Cove, Duke Island, Revillagigedo ChannelLatitude: 54° 55' 12" N (54.92)Longitude: 131° 15' 18" W (-131.255) |
Moser Bay (Trap Point)Latitude: 57° 0' 6" N (57.0017)Longitude: 154° 8' 53" W (-154.148) |
Mud Bay, Goose Island, Icy StraitLatitude: 58° 12' 42" N (58.2117)Longitude: 136° 2' 6" W (-136.035) |
Mud Bay, Hetta InletLatitude: 55° 4' 54" N (55.0817)Longitude: 132° 37' 55" W (-132.632) |
Muir Inlet, Glacier BayLatitude: 58° 54' 48" N (58.9133)Longitude: 136° 6' 29" W (-136.108) |
Nachalni Island, Kupreanof StraitLatitude: 57° 58' 42" N (57.9783)Longitude: 152° 55' 30" W (-152.925) |
Nakat Harbor, Dixon EntranceLatitude: 54° 49' 12" N (54.82)Longitude: 130° 42' 0" W (-130.7) |
Nakchamik IslandLatitude: 56° 21' 6" N (56.3517)Longitude: 157° 48' 43" W (-157.812) |
Naked Island, McPherson Passage, Prince William SoundLatitude: 60° 40' 60" N (60.6833)Longitude: 147° 23' 17" W (-147.388) |
Naknek, Kvichak BayLatitude: 58° 43' 55" N (58.73206)Longitude: 156° 58' 59" W (-156.983) |
Natalia Point, Tlevak StraitLatitude: 55° 13' 60" N (55.2333)Longitude: 133° 2' 35" W (-133.043) |
Nehenta Bay, Gravina IslandLatitude: 55° 10' 0" N (55.1667)Longitude: 131° 47' 49" W (-131.797) |
Neumans Cove, Bechevin Bay, Aleutian IslandsLatitude: 54° 58' 0" N (54.9667)Longitude: 163° 26' 24" W (-163.44) |
Newtok, Ningliq River, Yukon DeltaLatitude: 60° 56' 4" N (60.9345)Longitude: 164° 38' 19" W (-164.6387) |
Niblack Anchorage, Moira SoundLatitude: 55° 4' 0" N (55.0667)Longitude: 132° 7' 12" W (-132.12) |
Nikiski, Cook InletLatitude: 60° 40' 60" N (60.68331)Longitude: 151° 23' 53" W (-151.398) |
Nikolski, Umnak IslandLatitude: 52° 56' 26" N (52.94061)Longitude: 168° 52' 17" W (-168.87131) |
Ninilchik, Cook InletLatitude: 60° 3' 18" N (60.055)Longitude: 151° 40' 55" W (-151.682) |
Nismeni CoveLatitude: 57° 33' 42" N (57.5617)Longitude: 135° 24' 43" W (-135.412) |
Niyrakpak Lagoon entrance, St. Lawrence IslandLatitude: 63° 37' 12" N (63.62)Longitude: 171° 22' 59" W (-171.383) |
Nome, Norton SoundLatitude: 64° 29' 41" N (64.49461)Longitude: 165° 26' 23" W (-165.43964) |
Nordyke Island, Kamishak Bay, Cook InletLatitude: 59° 10' 42" N (59.1783)Longitude: 154° 5' 13" W (-154.087) |
North Bay, Stuart Island, Norton SoundLatitude: 63° 37' 42" N (63.6283)Longitude: 162° 31' 1" W (-162.517) |
North ForelandLatitude: 61° 2' 36" N (61.04331)Longitude: 151° 9' 47" W (-151.163) |
North Pass, West End, Tlevak StraitLatitude: 55° 12' 18" N (55.205)Longitude: 132° 56' 24" W (-132.94) |
North side, Yunaska IslandLatitude: 52° 40' 54" N (52.6817)Longitude: 170° 42' 25" W (-170.707) |
Northeast Arm, Uganik BayLatitude: 57° 43' 60" N (57.73333)Longitude: 153° 19' 60" W (-153.33333) |
Northeast Cape, St. Lawrence IslandLatitude: 63° 19' 0" N (63.3167)Longitude: 168° 58' 1" W (-168.967) |
Nossuk Bay, Tonowek Bay, Gulf of EsquibelLatitude: 55° 43' 18" N (55.72167)Longitude: 133° 21' 0" W (-133.35) |
Nuka PassageLatitude: 59° 24' 30" N (59.4083)Longitude: 150° 40' 1" W (-150.667) |
Nukshak Island, Shelikof StraitLatitude: 58° 23' 30" N (58.3917)Longitude: 153° 57' 29" W (-153.958) |
Nunam Iqua (Sheldon Point)Latitude: 62° 31' 59" N (62.53294)Longitude: 164° 50' 43" W (-164.84528) |
Ogliuga Island (east coast), Delarof IslandsLatitude: 51° 36' 12" N (51.6033)Longitude: 178° 37' 1" W (-178.617) |
Oil Bay, Kamishak Bay, Cook InletLatitude: 59° 38' 24" N (59.64)Longitude: 153° 15' 43" W (-153.262) |
Okee Bay, Umnak IslandLatitude: 53° 1' 0" N (53.0167)Longitude: 168° 50' 6" W (-168.835) |
Old Harbor, Kodiak IslandLatitude: 57° 12' 10" N (57.20278)Longitude: 153° 18' 14" W (-153.30389) |
Olga Bay (A. P. A. Cannery)Latitude: 57° 9' 42" N (57.1617)Longitude: 154° 13' 41" W (-154.228) |
Olga Point, Olga Strait, Sitka SoundLatitude: 57° 13' 42" N (57.2283)Longitude: 135° 32' 13" W (-135.537) |
Omakstalia Point, Naknek RiverLatitude: 58° 42' 24" N (58.7067)Longitude: 156° 45' 25" W (-156.757) |
Onion Bay, Kupreanof StraitLatitude: 58° 3' 0" N (58.05)Longitude: 153° 13' 60" W (-153.23333) |
Orca, Orca InletLatitude: 60° 34' 60" N (60.58333)Longitude: 145° 43' 0" W (-145.71667) |
Otkriti Bay, Agattu Island, Aleutian IslandsLatitude: 52° 22' 0" N (52.3667)Longitude: 173° 37' 0" E (173.6167) |
Otter Point, Umnak IslandLatitude: 53° 23' 48" N (53.3967)Longitude: 167° 50' 35" W (-167.843) |
Ouzinkie, Spruce IslandLatitude: 57° 55' 18" N (57.9217)Longitude: 152° 29' 53" W (-152.498) |
Papke's Landing, Wrangell NarrowsLatitude: 56° 40' 36" N (56.6767)Longitude: 132° 55' 59" W (-132.933) |
Patton Bay, Montague IslandLatitude: 59° 54' 24" N (59.9067)Longitude: 147° 27' 0" W (-147.45) |
Pelican Harbor, Lisianski InletLatitude: 57° 57' 28" N (57.95778)Longitude: 136° 13' 36" W (-136.22678) |
Perch Point, Montague IslandLatitude: 60° 7' 36" N (60.1267)Longitude: 147° 23' 42" W (-147.395) |
Perenosa Bay, Afognak IslandLatitude: 58° 21' 24" N (58.3567)Longitude: 152° 26' 53" W (-152.448) |
Pete Dahl Slough, Copper River DeltaLatitude: 60° 22' 60" N (60.38333)Longitude: 145° 24' 0" W (-145.4) |
Petersburg, Wrangell NarrowsLatitude: 56° 48' 54" N (56.815)Longitude: 132° 57' 25" W (-132.957) |
Peterson Bay, Sanak IslandsLatitude: 54° 23' 36" N (54.3933)Longitude: 162° 38' 13" W (-162.637) |
Picnic Harbor, Rocky BayLatitude: 59° 15' 18" N (59.255)Longitude: 151° 25' 12" W (-151.42) |
Pikmiktalik River entrance, Norton SoundLatitude: 63° 16' 48" N (63.28)Longitude: 162° 36' 7" W (-162.602) |
Pirate Cove, Popof Island, Shumagin IslandsLatitude: 55° 21' 42" N (55.3617)Longitude: 160° 21' 36" W (-160.36) |
PlatinumLatitude: 59° 2' 48" N (59.0467)Longitude: 161° 49' 5" W (-161.818) |
Point Adolphus, Icy StraitLatitude: 58° 17' 12" N (58.2867)Longitude: 135° 48' 11" W (-135.803) |
Point BarrowLatitude: 71° 21' 36" N (71.36)Longitude: 156° 21' 11" W (-156.353) |
Point ElizabethLatitude: 57° 31' 0" N (57.51667)Longitude: 135° 16' 60" W (-135.28333) |
Point Elrington, Elrington Island, Prince William SoundLatitude: 59° 56' 18" N (59.9383)Longitude: 148° 13' 37" W (-148.227) |
Point Harrington, Clarence StraitLatitude: 56° 10' 42" N (56.1783)Longitude: 132° 41' 49" W (-132.697) |
Point Helen, Knight IslandLatitude: 60° 9' 12" N (60.1533)Longitude: 147° 46' 1" W (-147.767) |
Point HopeLatitude: 68° 20' 30" N (68.3417)Longitude: 166° 48' 29" W (-166.808) |
Point Latouche, Yakutat BayLatitude: 59° 54' 12" N (59.9033)Longitude: 139° 37' 37" W (-139.627) |
Point Lockwood, Woewodski Island, Wrangell NarrowsLatitude: 56° 33' 30" N (56.5583)Longitude: 132° 57' 47" W (-132.963) |
Point PossessionLatitude: 61° 2' 12" N (61.0367)Longitude: 150° 24' 47" W (-150.413) |
Point Spencer, Port Clarence, Norton SoundLatitude: 65° 15' 24" N (65.2567)Longitude: 166° 50' 49" W (-166.847) |
Point St. AlbansLatitude: 56° 4' 54" N (56.0817)Longitude: 133° 58' 12" W (-133.97) |
Point ThatcherLatitude: 57° 25' 0" N (57.41667)Longitude: 134° 51' 0" W (-134.85) |
Pole Anchorage, Kosciusko IslandLatitude: 55° 57' 18" N (55.955)Longitude: 133° 48' 36" W (-133.81) |
Popokamute (Kokokamute), Kuskokwim RiverLatitude: 60° 7' 24" N (60.12328)Longitude: 162° 30' 1" W (-162.50036) |
Port Alexander, Baranof IslandLatitude: 56° 14' 48" N (56.2467)Longitude: 134° 38' 49" W (-134.647) |
Port Alice, Heceta Island, Davidson InletLatitude: 55° 48' 42" N (55.8117)Longitude: 133° 36' 18" W (-133.605) |
Port Audrey, Knight IslandLatitude: 60° 20' 36" N (60.3433)Longitude: 147° 46' 5" W (-147.768) |
Port Beauclerc, Kuiu IslandLatitude: 56° 17' 18" N (56.2883)Longitude: 133° 57' 43" W (-133.962) |
Port Chalmers, Montague IslandLatitude: 60° 14' 30" N (60.2418)Longitude: 147° 14' 56" W (-147.249) |
Port Chatham, Cook InletLatitude: 59° 12' 48" N (59.2133)Longitude: 151° 43' 41" W (-151.728) |
Port Etches, Hinchinbrook IslandLatitude: 60° 19' 60" N (60.33333)Longitude: 146° 33' 0" W (-146.55) |
Port Graham, Cook InletLatitude: 59° 21' 0" N (59.35)Longitude: 151° 49' 36" W (-151.82667) |
Port Hobron, Sitkalidak IslandLatitude: 57° 9' 48" N (57.1633)Longitude: 153° 9' 7" W (-153.152) |
Port Houghton, Robert IslandsLatitude: 57° 18' 0" N (57.3)Longitude: 133° 28' 0" W (-133.46667) |
Port Lions, Kodiak IslandLatitude: 57° 52' 24" N (57.87347)Longitude: 152° 52' 2" W (-152.86711) |
Port Mackenzie, Cook InletLatitude: 61° 16' 6" N (61.2683)Longitude: 149° 55' 1" W (-149.91701) |
Port Malmesbury, Kuiu IslandLatitude: 56° 18' 18" N (56.305)Longitude: 134° 14' 17" W (-134.238) |
Port McArthur, Kuiu IslandLatitude: 56° 4' 0" N (56.06667)Longitude: 134° 7' 0" W (-134.11667) |
Port Moller, Bristol BayLatitude: 55° 59' 9" N (55.9858333)Longitude: 160° 34' 25" W (-160.5736111) |
Port Protection, Prince of Wales Island.Latitude: 56° 18' 30" N (56.3083)Longitude: 133° 36' 0" W (-133.6) |
Port Snettisham, Crib PointLatitude: 58° 5' 48" N (58.0967)Longitude: 133° 44' 31" W (-133.742) |
Port Snettisham, Point StylemanLatitude: 57° 58' 0" N (57.96667)Longitude: 133° 52' 60" W (-133.88333) |
Port Walter, Baranof IslandLatitude: 56° 23' 30" N (56.3917)Longitude: 134° 39' 36" W (-134.66) |
Portage Bay, Kupreanof Island, Frederick SoundLatitude: 57° 0' 0" N (57)Longitude: 133° 19' 0" W (-133.31667) |
Protection Point, Nushagak BayLatitude: 58° 30' 0" N (58.5)Longitude: 158° 42' 43" W (-158.712) |
Provorotni IslandLatitude: 57° 30' 54" N (57.515)Longitude: 135° 33' 18" W (-135.555) |
Prudhoe BayLatitude: 70° 24' 41" N (70.4113889)Longitude: 148° 31' 54" W (-148.5316667) |
Puale BayLatitude: 57° 42' 24" N (57.7067)Longitude: 155° 23' 35" W (-155.393) |
Quinhagak (Kwinak), Kushkokwin RiverLatitude: 59° 45' 2" N (59.75055)Longitude: 161° 54' 56" W (-161.91544) |
Rasp Ledge, Seymour CanalLatitude: 57° 40' 42" N (57.6783)Longitude: 134° 2' 17" W (-134.038) |
Ratz Harbor, Prince of Wales IslandLatitude: 55° 52' 48" N (55.88)Longitude: 132° 35' 42" W (-132.595) |
Raven Bay, Unalaska IslandLatitude: 53° 28' 30" N (53.475)Longitude: 166° 52' 23" W (-166.873) |
Red Bluff Bay, Baranof IslandLatitude: 56° 51' 24" N (56.8567)Longitude: 134° 43' 23" W (-134.723) |
Red Dog DockLatitude: 67° 34' 33" N (67.57581)Longitude: 164° 3' 52" W (-164.06439) |
Redfield Cove, Yakutat BayLatitude: 59° 36' 42" N (59.6117)Longitude: 139° 34' 48" W (-139.58) |
Redfox Bay, Shuyak StraitLatitude: 58° 27' 12" N (58.4533)Longitude: 152° 35' 42" W (-152.595) |
Reef BightLatitude: 54° 7' 51" N (54.13072)Longitude: 166° 5' 58" W (-166.09933) |
Reef Point, Stikine StraitLatitude: 56° 21' 12" N (56.3533)Longitude: 132° 33' 11" W (-132.553) |
Reid BayLatitude: 56° 23' 18" N (56.3883)Longitude: 133° 52' 59" W (-133.883) |
Riou BayLatitude: 59° 53' 6" N (59.885)Longitude: 141° 27' 25" W (-141.457) |
Rocky Point, Valdez ArmLatitude: 60° 56' 48" N (60.9467)Longitude: 146° 45' 18" W (-146.755) |
Rootok Island, Rootok StraitLatitude: 54° 3' 8" N (54.05222)Longitude: 165° 30' 51" W (-165.51417) |
Rudyerd BayLatitude: 55° 38' 30" N (55.6417)Longitude: 130° 38' 42" W (-130.645) |
Sadie Cove, Kachemak Bay, Cook InletLatitude: 59° 29' 24" N (59.49)Longitude: 151° 21' 54" W (-151.365) |
Sagchudak Island, Atka IslandLatitude: 52° 1' 36" N (52.0267)Longitude: 174° 28' 48" W (-174.48) |
Saginaw Bay, Kuiu Island, Frederick SoundLatitude: 56° 54' 12" N (56.90333)Longitude: 134° 18' 11" W (-134.30306) |
Sakie Bay, Dall IslandLatitude: 55° 4' 0" N (55.0667)Longitude: 133° 12' 0" W (-133.2) |
Saltery Cove, Skowl Arm, Kasaan BayLatitude: 55° 24' 6" N (55.4017)Longitude: 132° 19' 41" W (-132.328) |
Saltery Point, Tlevak StraitLatitude: 55° 10' 54" N (55.1817)Longitude: 132° 47' 42" W (-132.795) |
Sanak Harbor, Sanak IslandsLatitude: 54° 28' 54" N (54.4817)Longitude: 162° 48' 43" W (-162.812) |
Sanborn Harbor, Nagai Island, Shumagin IslandsLatitude: 55° 9' 18" N (55.155)Longitude: 159° 59' 42" W (-159.995) |
Sand Bay, Great Sitkin Island, Aleutian IslandsLatitude: 51° 58' 24" N (51.9733)Longitude: 176° 5' 6" W (-176.085) |
Sand Point, Popof IslandLatitude: 55° 19' 54" N (55.33167)Longitude: 160° 30' 16" W (-160.50444) |
Savoonga, St. Lawrence IslandLatitude: 63° 40' 45" N (63.67908)Longitude: 170° 32' 14" W (-170.53711) |
Sawmill Bay, Evans Island, Prince William SoundLatitude: 60° 3' 6" N (60.0517)Longitude: 148° 3' 54" W (-148.065) |
Sawyer Island, Tracy ArmLatitude: 57° 52' 42" N (57.8783)Longitude: 133° 11' 24" W (-133.19) |
Scotch Cap, Unimak IslandLatitude: 54° 23' 37" N (54.39364)Longitude: 164° 44' 45" W (-164.74572) |
Scraggy IslandLatitude: 57° 20' 24" N (57.34)Longitude: 135° 42' 25" W (-135.707) |
Scraggy PointLatitude: 57° 20' 12" N (57.3367)Longitude: 135° 43' 23" W (-135.723) |
SE Tigalda Island, Aleutian IslandsLatitude: 54° 6' 7" N (54.10181)Longitude: 164° 56' 30" W (-164.94158) |
Sea Otter Harbor, Dall IslandLatitude: 55° 7' 36" N (55.1267)Longitude: 133° 10' 1" W (-133.167) |
Seal BayLatitude: 58° 22' 18" N (58.3717)Longitude: 152° 14' 17" W (-152.238) |
Seal Cape, Coal BayLatitude: 55° 21' 54" N (55.365)Longitude: 161° 19' 30" W (-161.325) |
Seal IslandLatitude: 60° 25' 30" N (60.425)Longitude: 147° 24' 36" W (-147.41) |
Security Cove, Dall IslandLatitude: 54° 44' 54" N (54.7483)Longitude: 132° 51' 18" W (-132.855) |
Seldovia, Cook InletLatitude: 59° 26' 26" N (59.4405)Longitude: 151° 43' 12" W (-151.71989) |
Sergius NarrowsLatitude: 57° 24' 36" N (57.41)Longitude: 135° 37' 37" W (-135.627) |
Settlement Point, Pavlof BayLatitude: 55° 30' 0" N (55.5)Longitude: 161° 28' 0" W (-161.46667) |
Seward, Resurrection BayLatitude: 60° 7' 12" N (60.12)Longitude: 149° 25' 36" W (-149.42667) |
Shag Rock, Orca InletLatitude: 60° 27' 54" N (60.465)Longitude: 145° 59' 17" W (-145.988) |
Shakan Bay EntranceLatitude: 56° 8' 24" N (56.14)Longitude: 133° 36' 36" W (-133.61) |
Shakan Strait, Kosciusko IslandLatitude: 56° 8' 54" N (56.1483)Longitude: 133° 27' 36" W (-133.46) |
ShaktoolikLatitude: 64° 22' 49" N (64.38022)Longitude: 161° 14' 7" W (-161.23514) |
Shishmaref Inlet 2Latitude: 66° 15' 48" N (66.2633)Longitude: 166° 1' 12" W (-166.02) |
Shoal Point, Kanaga IslandLatitude: 51° 52' 12" N (51.87)Longitude: 177° 4' 5" W (-177.068) |
Sitka, Baronof Island, Sitka SoundLatitude: 57° 3' 6" N (57.05169)Longitude: 135° 20' 31" W (-135.342) |
Sitkinak LagoonLatitude: 56° 30' 0" N (56.5)Longitude: 154° 7' 60" W (-154.13333) |
Skagway, Taiya Inlet, Lynn CanalLatitude: 59° 27' 0" N (59.45)Longitude: 135° 19' 37" W (-135.327) |
Skan Bay, Unalaska IslandLatitude: 53° 36' 36" N (53.61)Longitude: 167° 2' 42" W (-167.045) |
Smith Island, Prince William SoundLatitude: 60° 31' 60" N (60.53333)Longitude: 147° 19' 0" W (-147.31667) |
Snag Point, DillinghamLatitude: 59° 2' 24" N (59.04)Longitude: 158° 26' 49" W (-158.447) |
Snug Corner Cove, Port Fidalgo, Prince William SoundLatitude: 60° 43' 60" N (60.73333)Longitude: 146° 39' 0" W (-146.65) |
Snug Harbor, Cook InletLatitude: 60° 6' 27" N (60.10747)Longitude: 152° 34' 54" W (-152.58167) |
Snug Harbor, Knight IslandLatitude: 60° 15' 0" N (60.25)Longitude: 147° 43' 1" W (-147.717) |
Soda Bay, Tlevak StraitLatitude: 55° 16' 30" N (55.275)Longitude: 132° 58' 1" W (-132.967) |
South Arm, Knight Island, Bay of IslesLatitude: 60° 22' 0" N (60.3667)Longitude: 147° 42' 0" W (-147.7) |
South Bay, Perry IslandLatitude: 60° 40' 18" N (60.6717)Longitude: 147° 55' 55" W (-147.932) |
South Pass, Sukkwan Strait, Tlevak StraitLatitude: 55° 10' 0" N (55.1667)Longitude: 132° 52' 12" W (-132.87) |
Southwest Iniskin Bay, Cook InletLatitude: 59° 39' 6" N (59.6517)Longitude: 153° 28' 5" W (-153.46809) |
Spruce Island (north side)Latitude: 57° 56' 18" N (57.9383)Longitude: 152° 25' 1" W (-152.417) |
St. Catherine Cove, Unimak IslandLatitude: 55° 0' 36" N (55.01)Longitude: 163° 30' 25" W (-163.507) |
St. Matthew Island, Bering SeaLatitude: 60° 21' 30" N (60.3583)Longitude: 172° 42' 54" W (-172.715) |
St. Michael, Norton SoundLatitude: 63° 28' 30" N (63.475)Longitude: 162° 1' 37" W (-162.027) |
Steamboat Bay, Noyes Island, Gulf of EsquibelLatitude: 55° 31' 60" N (55.5333)Longitude: 133° 38' 13" W (-133.637) |
Stebbins, Norton SoundLatitude: 63° 31' 30" N (63.525)Longitude: 162° 17' 35" W (-162.293) |
Steller Cove, Attu IslandLatitude: 52° 58' 0" N (52.9667)Longitude: 172° 53' 60" E (172.89999) |
Sulzer, Hetta InletLatitude: 55° 17' 6" N (55.285)Longitude: 132° 37' 19" W (-132.622) |
Sumner IslandLatitude: 56° 24' 36" N (56.41)Longitude: 133° 47' 35" W (-133.793) |
Surf Bay, Akutan BayLatitude: 54° 9' 3" N (54.15083)Longitude: 165° 36' 54" W (-165.615) |
Surge Bay, Yakobi Island, outer coastLatitude: 58° 1' 6" N (58.0183)Longitude: 136° 31' 41" W (-136.528) |
Swanson Harbor, Icy StraitLatitude: 58° 12' 54" N (58.215)Longitude: 135° 7' 37" W (-135.127) |
Sweeper Cove, Adak IslandLatitude: 51° 51' 38" N (51.86063888888889)Longitude: 176° 38' 15" W (-176.6375833333333) |
Symonds Bay, Biorka Island, Sitka SoundLatitude: 56° 51' 24" N (56.8567)Longitude: 135° 31' 12" W (-135.52) |
Table Bay, Kuiu IslandLatitude: 56° 10' 0" N (56.1667)Longitude: 134° 14' 42" W (-134.245) |
Tah BayLatitude: 54° 49' 60" N (54.83333)Longitude: 132° 19' 60" W (-132.33333) |
Taiyasanka Harbor, Taiya Inlet, Lynn CanalLatitude: 59° 18' 6" N (59.3017)Longitude: 135° 25' 41" W (-135.428) |
Takanis Bay, Yakobi Island, outer coastLatitude: 57° 55' 42" N (57.9283)Longitude: 136° 31' 12" W (-136.52) |
Takli Island, Shelikof StraitLatitude: 58° 3' 48" N (58.0633)Longitude: 154° 28' 37" W (-154.477) |
Takoma Cove, Port DickLatitude: 59° 15' 42" N (59.2617)Longitude: 150° 58' 55" W (-150.982) |
Taku HarborLatitude: 58° 4' 6" N (58.0683)Longitude: 134° 0' 43" W (-134.012) |
Taku Point, Taku InletLatitude: 58° 24' 0" N (58.4)Longitude: 134° 0' 54" W (-134.015) |
Tamgas Harbor, Annette IslandLatitude: 55° 4' 0" N (55.0667)Longitude: 131° 32' 31" W (-131.542) |
Tanaga Bay, Tanaga IslandLatitude: 51° 43' 6" N (51.7183)Longitude: 177° 59' 49" W (-177.997) |
Target Island, Mitchell Bay, Kootznahoo InletLatitude: 57° 31' 60" N (57.5333)Longitude: 134° 25' 1" W (-134.417) |
Tarr Inlet, Glacier BayLatitude: 58° 57' 53" N (58.96478)Longitude: 136° 52' 39" W (-136.87758) |
Tebenkof Bay, Kuiu IslandLatitude: 56° 25' 0" N (56.41667)Longitude: 134° 7' 60" W (-134.13333) |
Teller, Port ClarenceLatitude: 65° 16' 0" N (65.2667)Longitude: 166° 21' 11" W (-166.353) |
Tenakee Springs, Tenakee InletLatitude: 57° 46' 46" N (57.77930555555555)Longitude: 135° 13' 10" W (-135.2194722222222) |
Terror Bay (southwest), Kodiak IslandLatitude: 57° 44' 39" N (57.74403)Longitude: 153° 11' 44" W (-153.19547) |
The Brothers, Stephens PassageLatitude: 57° 17' 42" N (57.295)Longitude: 133° 47' 49" W (-133.797) |
The Summit, Keku StraitLatitude: 56° 40' 57" N (56.68242)Longitude: 133° 44' 13" W (-133.73691) |
Thomas Bay, Frederick SoundLatitude: 56° 59' 48" N (56.9967)Longitude: 132° 47' 6" W (-132.785) |
Thoms Point, Zimovia StraitLatitude: 56° 7' 6" N (56.1183)Longitude: 132° 4' 41" W (-132.078) |
Thorne Island, Whale PassageLatitude: 56° 3' 30" N (56.0583)Longitude: 132° 58' 5" W (-132.968) |
Three Saints BayLatitude: 57° 7' 0" N (57.11667)Longitude: 153° 31' 0" W (-153.51667) |
Three Star PointLatitude: 55° 54' 0" N (55.9)Longitude: 159° 10' 0" W (-159.16667) |
Tigalda Bay, Tigalda IslandLatitude: 54° 7' 12" N (54.12)Longitude: 164° 58' 37" W (-164.977) |
Tin City, Bering SeaLatitude: 65° 33' 30" N (65.55833)Longitude: 167° 58' 30" W (-167.975) |
Tonki BayLatitude: 58° 19' 0" N (58.3167)Longitude: 152° 4' 1" W (-152.067) |
Tooksook Bay, Nelson IslandLatitude: 60° 31' 0" N (60.5167)Longitude: 165° 7' 59" W (-165.133) |
Trident Bay, Akun Island, Aleutian IslandsLatitude: 54° 8' 24" N (54.14)Longitude: 165° 31' 37" W (-165.527) |
Trocadero BayLatitude: 55° 21' 6" N (55.35167)Longitude: 132° 56' 17" W (-132.93806) |
Tuntutuliak, Tagayarak RiverLatitude: 60° 20' 29" N (60.3415)Longitude: 162° 41' 10" W (-162.686) |
Turn PointLatitude: 56° 48' 0" N (56.8)Longitude: 132° 58' 48" W (-132.98) |
Tutka Bay,Kachemak Bay, Cook InletLatitude: 59° 25' 54" N (59.4317)Longitude: 151° 21' 25" W (-151.357) |
Tuxedni Channel, Cook InletLatitude: 60° 9' 12" N (60.1533)Longitude: 152° 38' 6" W (-152.635) |
Tuxekan, 0.5 mile south of, Davidson InletLatitude: 55° 52' 60" N (55.8833)Longitude: 133° 14' 35" W (-133.243) |
Two Arm Bay, Harris BayLatitude: 59° 39' 42" N (59.6617)Longitude: 150° 6' 29" W (-150.108) |
Tyndall Glacier, Icy BayLatitude: 60° 4' 42" N (60.0783)Longitude: 141° 16' 30" W (-141.275) |
Udagak Strait, Unalaska IslandLatitude: 53° 44' 12" N (53.7367)Longitude: 166° 17' 42" W (-166.295) |
Ugak Bay (Saltery Cove)Latitude: 57° 28' 54" N (57.4817)Longitude: 152° 43' 5" W (-152.718) |
Uganik Passage, Uganik BayLatitude: 57° 48' 0" N (57.8)Longitude: 153° 18' 0" W (-153.3) |
Ukolnoi IslandLatitude: 55° 15' 30" N (55.2583)Longitude: 161° 32' 13" W (-161.537) |
UnalakleetLatitude: 63° 52' 30" N (63.875)Longitude: 160° 47' 17" W (-160.78799) |
Unalaska, Dutch HarborLatitude: 53° 52' 45" N (53.87919)Longitude: 166° 32' 25" W (-166.54031) |
Unalga Bight, Adak IslandLatitude: 51° 46' 48" N (51.78)Longitude: 176° 48' 25" W (-176.807) |
Unavikshak IslandLatitude: 56° 29' 30" N (56.4917)Longitude: 157° 44' 24" W (-157.74) |
Upper Endicott Arm, North Shore, Stephens PassageLatitude: 57° 31' 18" N (57.5217)Longitude: 133° 3' 18" W (-133.055) |
Upper Golovnin Lagoon, Norton SoundLatitude: 64° 37' 15" N (64.62083)Longitude: 163° 8' 56" W (-163.149) |
Upper Northwestern Fiord, Harris BayLatitude: 59° 47' 24" N (59.79)Longitude: 150° 1' 55" W (-150.032) |
Ushagat Island, Barren Islands, Cook InletLatitude: 58° 56' 48" N (58.9467)Longitude: 152° 16' 5" W (-152.268) |
Usof Bay, Unalaska IslandLatitude: 53° 30' 54" N (53.515)Longitude: 166° 47' 24" W (-166.79) |
Uzkosti Point, Kupreanof StraitLatitude: 57° 55' 42" N (57.9283)Longitude: 152° 48' 43" W (-152.812) |
Valdez, Prince William SoundLatitude: 61° 7' 27" N (61.12419)Longitude: 146° 21' 47" W (-146.36311) |
Vallenar PointLatitude: 55° 25' 36" N (55.4267)Longitude: 131° 50' 49" W (-131.847) |
Viekoda BayLatitude: 57° 54' 0" N (57.9)Longitude: 153° 10' 0" W (-153.16667) |
View Cove, Tlevak StraitLatitude: 55° 4' 60" N (55.0833)Longitude: 133° 1' 1" W (-133.017) |
Village Cove, St. Paul Island, Bering SeaLatitude: 57° 7' 31" N (57.1253)Longitude: 170° 17' 7" W (-170.2852) |
Village Islands, Uganik BayLatitude: 57° 46' 60" N (57.78333)Longitude: 153° 33' 0" W (-153.55) |
Village Rock, Zimovia StraitLatitude: 56° 13' 12" N (56.22)Longitude: 132° 17' 49" W (-132.297) |
Wachusett Inlet, Glacier BayLatitude: 58° 56' 48" N (58.9467)Longitude: 136° 19' 59" W (-136.333) |
Wainwright, Chukchi SeaLatitude: 70° 38' 38" N (70.6438)Longitude: 160° 3' 54" W (-160.06509) |
Ward Cove, Revillagigedo ChannelLatitude: 55° 23' 54" N (55.3983)Longitude: 131° 43' 37" W (-131.727) |
West Raspberry IslandLatitude: 58° 6' 26" N (58.10717)Longitude: 153° 20' 24" W (-153.34011) |
Whitestone Narrows, Neva StraitLatitude: 57° 15' 0" N (57.25)Longitude: 135° 34' 1" W (-135.567) |
Whitewater Bay, Admiralty IslandLatitude: 57° 13' 60" N (57.23333)Longitude: 134° 36' 0" W (-134.6) |
Whittier, Prince William SoundLatitude: 60° 46' 42" N (60.7783)Longitude: 148° 39' 54" W (-148.665) |
William Henry Bay, Lynn CanalLatitude: 58° 42' 48" N (58.7133)Longitude: 135° 13' 55" W (-135.232) |
Willoughby Island, Glacier BayLatitude: 58° 36' 30" N (58.6083)Longitude: 136° 7' 1" W (-136.117) |
Windfall Harbor, Seymour CanalLatitude: 57° 52' 0" N (57.86667)Longitude: 134° 16' 0" W (-134.26667) |
Windham BayLatitude: 57° 32' 36" N (57.5433)Longitude: 133° 29' 53" W (-133.498) |
Windy Bay, Hawkins Island, Prince William SoundLatitude: 60° 34' 0" N (60.56667)Longitude: 145° 58' 0" W (-145.96667) |
Wingham Island, Controller BayLatitude: 60° 3' 0" N (60.05)Longitude: 144° 24' 0" W (-144.4) |
Wooded Islands, Montague IslandLatitude: 59° 52' 30" N (59.875)Longitude: 147° 24' 11" W (-147.403) |
Wrangell, Wrangell IslandLatitude: 56° 28' 12" N (56.47)Longitude: 132° 23' 13" W (-132.387) |
Yakutat, Yakutat BayLatitude: 59° 32' 55" N (59.5485)Longitude: 139° 44' 0" W (-139.7334) |
Yes Cannery, Yes BayLatitude: 55° 54' 48" N (55.9133)Longitude: 131° 47' 49" W (-131.797) |
Young BayLatitude: 58° 10' 60" N (58.1833)Longitude: 134° 35' 13" W (-134.587) |
Zachar Bay, Uyak BayLatitude: 57° 32' 54" N (57.5483)Longitude: 153° 44' 6" W (-153.735) |
Zachary Bay, Unga Island, Shumagin IslandsLatitude: 55° 20' 6" N (55.335)Longitude: 160° 37' 1" W (-160.617) |
Zapadni Bay, St. George IslandLatitude: 56° 34' 0" N (56.56669998168945)Longitude: 169° 40' 0" W (-169.6667022705078) |