Walton County
GPS Coordinates for Fishing

The locations below are primarily artificial reefs and shipwrecks. Click on a location on the map to see its description and coordinates, or scroll down to the list to see all the details. You can also see the tide, solunar, and best fishing time predictions by clicking on the Tides & Solunars button at each location. The TidesPro iPhone/iPad/Mac app now also offers fishing coordinates, with Premium service. Alternatively, access them for free here on our ad-supported website.

Waypoint Map

Click or tap on a marker to see more information about that waypoint.
Coordinate Display Format: DMS | DM | DD
Waypoint Name Description Depth Latitude Longitude
Eglin Landing Craft #1 74’ X 21’ Navy Landing Craft (LCM-8) From Eglin Air Force Base
Primary Material: Vessel
Deploy Date: 2000/11/29
Depth: 94 ft

Relief: 22 ft [2]
Tides & Solunars
94 ft 30° 15' 55" N 86° 23' 10" W
Frangista Beach Culverts 52 Pieces of Concrete Culverts (6’x8’;4’x8)
Primary Material: Culverts
Deploy Date: 0//0
Depth: 77 ft

Relief: 8 ft [2]
Tides & Solunars
77 ft 30° 19' 45" N 86° 22' 59" W
Frangista Beach Culverts 52 Pieces of Concrete Culverts, 6X8 & 4X8 Ft.
Primary Material: Culverts
Deploy Date: 2001/06/18
Depth: 77 ft

Relief: 6 ft [2]
Tides & Solunars
77 ft 30° 19' 45" N 86° 22' 55" W
M/V Janet- Fish Haven #6 85’ Tugboat, the "Janet"
Primary Material: Vessel
Deploy Date: 1997/10/01
Depth: 93 ft

Relief: 30 ft [2]
Tides & Solunars
93 ft 30° 15' 50" N 86° 23' 6" W
Seagrove Reef 300 Tons Of Concrete Culverts In A 40 Ft. By 150 Ft. Area
Date of Deployment: June 5 1997
Tonnage: 300
County: WALTON
Depth: 70 ft
Tides & Solunars
70 ft 30° 17' 27" N 86° 6' 30" W
Walton #1 65 Concrete Pyramids Called Grouper Ghettos 14 Locations
Date of Deployment: November 15 1995
County: WALTON
Depth: 58 ft

Relief: 6 ft [1]
Tides & Solunars
58 ft 30° 15' 3" N 86° 1' 36" W
Walton Hopper Barge 195’ X 35’ X12’ Steel Barge, with 100 Tons Steel Ballast
Primary Material: Vessel
Deploy Date: 1999/06/30
Depth: 77 ft

Relief: 12 ft [2]
Tides & Solunars
77 ft 30° 19' 41" N 86° 22' 54" W