North Carolina Currents
Select a site from the map or the list below to view currents predictions.
0.4 mile north ofLatitude: 34° 10' 52" S (34.18117141723633)Longitude: 77° 57' 57" W (-77.96582794189453) |
1.8 miles north of mouthLatitude: 34° 12' 20" S (34.205501556396484)Longitude: 77° 58' 28" W (-77.97450256347656) |
Bald Head ShoalLatitude: 33° 51' 16" S (33.8543586730957)Longitude: 78° 1' 38" W (-78.0271987915039) |
Beaufort Inlet ApproachLatitude: 34° 40' 18" S (34.67169952392578)Longitude: 76° 40' 12" W (-76.66999816894531) |
Bird Shoal, SE ofLatitude: 34° 42' 2" S (34.7005)Longitude: 76° 39' 14" W (-76.65383) |
Blair ChannelLatitude: 35° 4' 53" S (35.08133)Longitude: 76° 2' 2" W (-76.03383) |
Bodie Island-Pea Island, betweenLatitude: 35° 46' 36" S (35.77667)Longitude: 75° 32' 6" W (-75.535) |
Campbell Island, East SideLatitude: 34° 7' 12" S (34.119911193847656)Longitude: 77° 56' 7" W (-77.93521881103516) |
Carrot IslandLatitude: 34° 42' 8" S (34.70217)Longitude: 76° 37' 3" W (-76.6175) |
Coast Guard Tower, southwest ofLatitude: 35° 45' 42" S (35.76167)Longitude: 75° 31' 54" W (-75.53167) |
Doctor Point, 0.6 NM NNW ofLatitude: 34° 4' 44" S (34.07883071899414)Longitude: 77° 55' 55" W (-77.93205261230469) |
Dram Tree PointLatitude: 34° 11' 26" S (34.190608978271484)Longitude: 77° 57' 28" W (-77.9577407836914) |
Fort CaswellLatitude: 33° 53' 18" S (33.888328552246094)Longitude: 78° 0' 27" W (-78.00763702392578) |
Fort Macon, 0.2 mile NE ofLatitude: 34° 41' 59" S (34.69967)Longitude: 76° 40' 31" W (-76.67533) |
Fort Macon, 0.6 mile SE ofLatitude: 34° 41' 9" S (34.68579864501953)Longitude: 76° 40' 6" W (-76.66829681396484) |
Hatteras InletLatitude: 35° 12' 0" S (35.2)Longitude: 75° 45' 0" W (-75.75) |
Herbert C. Bonner Bridge, WSW ofLatitude: 35° 46' 12" S (35.77)Longitude: 75° 32' 48" W (-75.54667) |
Hilton RR Bridge, 0.1 nm N ofLatitude: 34° 15' 33" S (34.25918960571289)Longitude: 77° 56' 53" W (-77.94805908203125) |
Isabel Holmes BridgeLatitude: 34° 15' 9" S (34.252410888671875)Longitude: 77° 57' 0" W (-77.95008850097656) |
Keg Island, West SideLatitude: 34° 5' 49" S (34.09700012207031)Longitude: 77° 56' 5" W (-77.93463897705078) |
Lower Brunswick RangeLatitude: 34° 9' 21" S (34.155941009521484)Longitude: 77° 57' 30" W (-77.95828247070312) |
Middle Marshes, S ofLatitude: 34° 40' 42" S (34.67833)Longitude: 76° 36' 50" W (-76.61383) |
Morehead City, RR. bridge, N ofLatitude: 34° 43' 22" S (34.72283)Longitude: 76° 41' 38" W (-76.69383) |
Morehead City, S ofLatitude: 34° 43' 0" S (34.71667)Longitude: 76° 43' 58" W (-76.73283) |
Myrtle Sound, south end, ICWLatitude: 34° 4' 45" S (34.07929992675781)Longitude: 77° 53' 4" W (-77.8843994140625) |
Newport Marshes, E ofLatitude: 34° 44' 16" S (34.73783)Longitude: 76° 40' 50" W (-76.6805) |
Newport Marshes, SE ofLatitude: 34° 43' 53" S (34.73133)Longitude: 76° 40' 60" W (-76.68333) |
Oak Island Bridge, ICWLatitude: 33° 55' 18" S (33.921661376953125)Longitude: 78° 4' 22" W (-78.07276153564453) |
Ocracoke Inlet, channel entranceLatitude: 35° 3' 55" S (35.06529998779297)Longitude: 76° 1' 8" W (-76.018798828125) |
Orton Point, 0.5 NM S ofLatitude: 34° 2' 50" S (34.047340393066406)Longitude: 77° 56' 28" W (-77.94104766845703) |
Point PeterLatitude: 34° 14' 33" S (34.242488861083984)Longitude: 77° 57' 28" W (-77.95768737792969) |
Port of Wilmington, South EndLatitude: 34° 10' 33" S (34.17580032348633)Longitude: 77° 57' 25" W (-77.9569091796875) |
Radio Island, E ofLatitude: 34° 42' 42" S (34.71167)Longitude: 76° 40' 47" W (-76.67967) |
Reaves Point ChannelLatitude: 33° 59' 5" S (33.98466873168945)Longitude: 77° 55' 51" W (-77.93083190917969) |
Reaves Point, 0.3 mile east ofLatitude: 33° 59' 55" S (33.9986686706543)Longitude: 77° 56' 58" W (-77.94950103759766) |
Reaves Point, 0.4 mile north ofLatitude: 34° 0' 22" S (34.006168365478516)Longitude: 77° 57' 9" W (-77.95249938964844) |
Reaves Point, 0.9 NM NE ofLatitude: 34° 0' 21" S (34.005950927734375)Longitude: 77° 56' 25" W (-77.94020080566406) |
Shackleford Banks, 0.8 mile S ofLatitude: 34° 39' 59" S (34.66633)Longitude: 76° 39' 20" W (-76.6555) |
Shackleford Point, NE ofLatitude: 34° 41' 32" S (34.69217)Longitude: 76° 39' 8" W (-76.65217) |
Sheep Island SlueLatitude: 35° 4' 0" S (35.06667)Longitude: 76° 6' 0" W (-76.1) |
Snows Cut, ICWLatitude: 34° 3' 21" S (34.05580139160156)Longitude: 77° 53' 56" W (-77.89900207519531) |
Snows Marsh ChannelLatitude: 33° 56' 14" S (33.93717956542969)Longitude: 77° 58' 40" W (-77.9778823852539) |
SouthportLatitude: 33° 54' 55" S (33.91537857055664)Longitude: 78° 0' 44" W (-78.01215362548828) |
Southport at Dutchman Creek, ICWLatitude: 33° 55' 3" S (33.91761016845703)Longitude: 78° 2' 35" W (-78.0430679321289) |
State Pier, N end, sidelookingLatitude: 34° 12' 28" S (34.207801818847656)Longitude: 77° 57' 20" W (-77.9554214477539) |
Sugarloaf Island, 0.2 mile S ofLatitude: 34° 42' 45" S (34.7125)Longitude: 76° 42' 50" W (-76.71383) |
Sunny Point, 0.5 nm SE ofLatitude: 33° 58' 42" S (33.978248596191406)Longitude: 77° 56' 60" W (-77.94994354248047) |
Teaches Hole ChannelLatitude: 35° 4' 45" S (35.07917)Longitude: 76° 0' 17" W (-76.00467) |
Tombstone Point, 0.1 mile E ofLatitude: 34° 42' 14" S (34.70383)Longitude: 76° 41' 10" W (-76.68617) |
Turning BasinLatitude: 34° 42' 47" S (34.713)Longitude: 76° 41' 39" W (-76.69417) |
Upper Big I RangeLatitude: 34° 8' 8" S (34.135501861572266)Longitude: 77° 56' 32" W (-77.94210052490234) |
Upper Midnight ChannelLatitude: 34° 1' 45" S (34.02907943725586)Longitude: 77° 56' 27" W (-77.94080352783203) |
Virginia Beach, south endLatitude: 36° 33' 0" S (36.55)Longitude: 75° 52' 6" W (-75.86833) |
Wallace ChannelLatitude: 35° 4' 47" S (35.07967)Longitude: 76° 3' 7" W (-76.052) |
Wilmington, Northeast RiverLatitude: 34° 14' 31" S (34.241939544677734)Longitude: 77° 57' 14" W (-77.95394134521484) |
Wilmington, USS North CarolinaLatitude: 34° 14' 1" S (34.23347854614258)Longitude: 77° 57' 1" W (-77.9503173828125) |