38° 10' 18" N (38.1717)
75° 56' 42" W (-75.945)
Nearest ZIP
3.1 mi
Sharkfin Shoal Light, Chesapeake Bay
4.6 mi
Great Shoals Light, Monie Bay, Chesapeake Bay
6.1 mi
Bishops Head, Hooper Strait
6.4 mi
Roaring Point, Nanticoke River
7.3 mi
Teague Creek, Manokin River, Chesapeake Bay
8.1 mi
Hooper Strait Light, Chesapeake Bay
9.5 mi
McCready's Creek, Fishing Bay, Chesapeake Bay
10.8 mi
Whitehaven, Wicomico River
10.9 mi
Holland Island Bar Light, Chesapeake Bay
11.1 mi
Long Point, Big Annemessex River, Chesapeake Bay
11.5 mi
Colburn Creek, Big Annemessex River, Chesapeake Bay
2.6 mi
Deal Is., 0.6 n.mi. W. of, at Bouy '14'
2.7 mi
Frog Point, 1.6 miles south of
3.8 mi
Long Point and Nanticoke Point, between
4.4 mi
Fishing Bay Entrance, at Buoy '2'
5.3 mi
Sandy Point, Nanticoke River
5.9 mi
Manokin R. Ent., 1.1 n.mi. E of Drum Pt
6.4 mi
Victor Point, 0.8 mile southwest of
6.4 mi
Roaring Point, WSW of Nanticoke River
7.2 mi
Hooper Strait, at Buoy '4'
9.2 mi
Kedges Strait Buoy '4'
9.3 mi
Hooper Strait (west), at buoy '2'
9.4 mi
Adams Island, 1.1 n.mi. west of
9.7 mi
Big Annemessex River Entrance
10.5 mi
10.7 mi
Honga River Entrance, at Buoy '1A'
12.0 mi
Janes Island Light, 2.3 n.mi. NNE OF
12.1 mi
Adams Island, 3.4 n.mi west of