Tide Chart for Next 7 Days

Longbranch weekly tide chart key:

The tide chart above shows the times and heights of high tide and low tide for Longbranch, for the next seven days. The red line highlights the current time and estimated height.

The tidal range at Longbranch for the next seven days is approximately 16.84 ft with a minimum tide of -2.19 ft and maximum tide of 14.65 ft. You can also check out all the daily details on tides & fishing times on the Day tab for Longbranch.

Tide Table for Next 7 Days

▲ Blue = High Tide ▼ Red = Low Tide
Day 1st Tide 2nd Tide 3rd Tide 4th Tide Sun Major Solunars Very heightened fish activity Minor Solunars Heightened fish activity
22 Wed Waning Crescent 49% 12:19 AM
9.64 ft
4:34 AM
7.2 ft
10:50 AM
13.14 ft
6:28 PM
1.88 ft
7:47 AM 4:59 PM 6:31 AM 8:31 AM
7:01 PM 9:01 PM
1:42 AM 2:42 AM
11:11 AM 12:11 PM
23 Thu Waning Crescent 39% 2:37 AM
10.58 ft
5:54 AM
8.55 ft
11:29 AM
12.64 ft
7:18 PM
1.14 ft
7:46 AM 5:00 PM 7:17 AM 9:17 AM
7:47 PM 9:47 PM
2:51 AM 3:51 AM
11:34 AM 12:34 PM
24 Fri Waning Crescent 30% 3:59 AM
11.85 ft
8:02 AM
9.26 ft
12:16 PM
12.25 ft
8:07 PM
0.39 ft
7:45 AM 5:02 PM 8:06 AM 10:06 AM
8:36 PM 10:36 PM
4:01 AM 5:01 AM
12:05 PM 1:05 PM
25 Sat Waning Crescent 22% 4:43 AM
12.88 ft
9:37 AM
9.3 ft
1:08 PM
12.08 ft
8:54 PM
-0.37 ft
7:44 AM 5:03 PM 8:59 AM 10:59 AM
9:28 PM 11:28 PM
5:08 AM 6:08 AM
12:47 PM 1:47 PM
26 Sun Waning Crescent 14% 5:16 AM
13.59 ft
10:26 AM
9.11 ft
2:02 PM
12.17 ft
9:38 PM
-1.11 ft
7:43 AM 5:05 PM 9:55 AM 11:55 AM
10:23 PM 12:23 AM
6:10 AM 7:10 AM
1:44 PM 2:44 PM
27 Mon Waning Crescent 8% 5:43 AM
14.06 ft
10:57 AM
8.81 ft
2:53 PM
12.43 ft
10:21 PM
-1.75 ft
7:42 AM 5:06 PM 10:52 AM 12:52 PM
11:18 PM 1:18 AM
7:02 AM 8:02 AM
2:54 PM 3:54 PM
28 Tue Waning Crescent 3% 6:08 AM
14.38 ft
11:26 AM
8.36 ft
3:42 PM
12.75 ft
11:02 PM
-2.19 ft
7:41 AM 5:08 PM 11:50 AM 1:50 PM 7:42 AM 8:42 AM
4:07 PM 5:07 PM

Current Weather

Air Temperature
39.4° F
1.9 knots E (90°)
Wind Gust
5.1 knots

Note: Observations are from a weather buoy 16.38 miles from the prediction site. Observations are not available at all prediction sites, and the number/type of observations varies between sites.

More details: Station tcmw1 Buoy Weather

Location & Map

47° 12' 36" N (47.21)
122° 45' 11" W (-122.753)
Nearest ZIP
Tides 3.0 mi Devils Head, Drayton Passage, Puget Sound 4.2 mi Yoman Point, Anderson Island, Balch Passage, Puget Sound 4.5 mi Home, Von Geldern Cove, Carr Inlet, Puget Sound 5.4 mi Sandy Point, Anderson Island, Puget Sound 5.5 mi Henderson Inlet, Puget Sound 5.7 mi McMicken Island, Case Inlet, Puget Sound 6.8 mi Arletta, Hale Passage, Puget Sound 7.2 mi Horsehead Bay, Carr Inlet, Puget Sound 7.5 mi Steilacoom, Cormorant Passage, Puget Sound 7.6 mi Dupont Wharf, Nisqually Reach, Puget Sound 8.5 mi Dofflemeyer Point, Boston Hbr., Budd Inlet, Puget Sound 8.7 mi Arcadia, Totten Inlet, Puget Sound 9.2 mi Vaughn, Case Inlet, Puget Sound 9.4 mi Walkers Landing, Pickering Passage, Puget Sound 10.2 mi Budd Inlet, south of Gull Harbor 10.4 mi Tacoma Narrows Bridge, Puget Sound 11.9 mi Gig Harbor, Puget Sound Currents 2.2 mi Pitt Passage, NE of Pitt Island 2.6 mi Drayton Passage 3.2 mi Balch Passage, NE of Eagle Island 3.8 mi Devils Head, West of 6.1 mi Ketron Island, West of 6.3 mi Dana Passage 6.5 mi Hale Passage, West end 6.7 mi Peale Passage, South end 6.9 mi Nisqually Reach, 0.5 miles South of Lyle Point 7.2 mi Steilacoom, 0.8 miles North of 7.6 mi Peale Passage, North end 7.7 mi Gibson Point, 0.8 miles East of 7.8 mi Hale Passage, East end 8.1 mi Pickering Passage, North end 8.1 mi Squaxin Passage, North of Hunter Point 8.5 mi Pickering Passage, off Graham Point 8.6 mi Pickering Passage, West of Squaxin Island 9.2 mi Totten Inlet Entrance 9.3 mi Budd Inlet Entrance 9.6 mi Eld Inlet entrance 9.8 mi The Narrows, South end (midstream) 10.7 mi The Narrows, 0.3 miles North of Bridge 11.1 mi Libby Point, Hammersley Inlet 11.3 mi The Narrows, North End (west side) 11.6 mi Gig Harbor Entrance 11.6 mi The Narrows, North end - midstream

Note: Tide predictions are an estimate and NOT FOR NAVIGATION.

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