
Hope Creek tide chart key:

The tide chart above shows the times and heights of high tide and low tide for Hope Creek, as well as solunar period times (represented by fish icons). The red line highlights the current time and estimated height.
2 Fish - Minor Solunar = Minor Solunar / Heightened Fish Activity
4 Fish - Major Solunar = Major Solunar / Very Heightened Fish Activity
Day Tide Time Height
5 Wed Low 9:26 PM 0.17 ft
6 Thu High 3:22 AM 5.73 ft
6 Thu Low 10:25 AM 0.27 ft
6 Thu High 4:04 PM 4.82 ft
6 Thu Low 10:26 PM 0.35 ft
7 Fri High 4:28 AM 5.54 ft

Thursday, March 6, 2025 3:55 AM: The tide is currently falling at Hope Creek with a current estimated height of 5.6 ft. The last tide was High at 3:22 AM and the next tide is a Low of 0.27 ft at 10:25 AM. The tidal range today is approximately 5.46 ft with a minimum tide of 0.27 ft and maximum tide of 5.73 ft.

Solunars & Sun/Moon Times

First Quarter
First Quarter 50%
Major Solunar
5:45 AM 7:45 AM
6:16 PM 8:16 PM
Minor Solunar
1:14 AM 2:14 AM
10:17 AM 11:17 AM
1:14 AM
10:17 AM
6:27 AM
6:00 PM

Current Weather

Air Temperature
49.5° F
Water Temperature
40.8° F
Atmospheric Pressure
29.24 in

Note: Observations are from a weather buoy 8.03 miles from the prediction site. Observations are not available at all prediction sites, and the number/type of observations varies between sites.

More details: Station rdyd1 Buoy Weather

Next 7 Days

▲ Blue = High Tide ▼ Red = Low Tide
Day 1st Tide 2nd Tide 3rd Tide 4th Tide Sun Major Solunars Very heightened fish activity Minor Solunars Heightened fish activity
6 Thu First Quarter 50% 3:22 AM
5.73 ft
10:25 AM
0.27 ft
4:04 PM
4.82 ft
10:26 PM
0.35 ft
6:27 AM 6:00 PM 5:45 AM 7:45 AM
6:16 PM 8:16 PM
1:14 AM 2:14 AM
10:17 AM 11:17 AM
7 Fri Waxing Gibbous 53% 4:28 AM
5.54 ft
11:29 AM
0.38 ft
5:12 PM
4.71 ft
11:30 PM
0.45 ft
6:25 AM 6:01 PM 6:47 AM 8:47 AM
7:16 PM 9:16 PM
2:22 AM 3:22 AM
11:13 AM 12:13 PM
8 Sat Waxing Gibbous 64% 5:38 AM
5.43 ft
12:32 PM
0.38 ft
6:18 PM
4.74 ft
6:24 AM 6:02 PM 7:48 AM 9:48 AM
8:16 PM 10:16 PM
3:21 AM 4:21 AM
12:16 PM 1:16 PM
9 Sun Waxing Gibbous 74% 12:33 AM
0.43 ft
7:46 AM
5.43 ft
2:32 PM
0.28 ft
8:20 PM
4.9 ft
7:22 AM 7:03 PM 9:46 AM 11:46 AM
10:10 PM 12:10 AM
5:08 AM 6:08 AM
2:24 PM 3:24 PM
10 Mon Waxing Gibbous 83% 2:34 AM
0.32 ft
8:47 AM
5.52 ft
3:27 PM
0.14 ft
9:16 PM
5.12 ft
7:21 AM 7:04 PM 10:39 AM 12:39 PM
11:00 PM 1:00 AM
5:46 AM 6:46 AM
3:32 PM 4:32 PM
11 Tue Waxing Gibbous 90% 3:31 AM
0.16 ft
9:40 AM
5.62 ft
4:17 PM
0 ft
10:06 PM
5.32 ft
7:19 AM 7:05 PM 11:27 AM 1:27 PM
11:45 PM 1:45 AM
6:16 AM 7:16 AM
4:39 PM 5:39 PM
12 Wed Waxing Gibbous 95% 4:23 AM
0.02 ft
10:27 AM
5.69 ft
5:02 PM
-0.09 ft
10:51 PM
5.48 ft
7:18 AM 7:06 PM 12:11 PM 2:11 PM
6:41 AM 7:41 AM
5:42 PM 6:42 PM

Location & Map

39° 27' 30" N (39.4583)
75° 29' 42" W (-75.495)
Nearest ZIP
Tides 2.0 mi Artificial Island, Salem Nuclear Plant, Delaware River 2.9 mi 0.8 n.mi. above entrance, Alloway Creek 3.2 mi 1 n.mi. above entrance, Mad Horse Creek 3.3 mi 2.5 n.mi. above entrance, Alloway Creek 3.7 mi Abbots Meadow, Alloway Creek 4.4 mi Pine Island, Malapartis Creek, Mad Horse Creek 4.6 mi Coopers Creek bridge, Alloway Creek 4.9 mi Canton, Stow Creek, Delaware River 6.0 mi Stathems Neck, Stow Creek, Delaware River 6.6 mi Raccoon Ditch, Newport Meadows, Stow Creek, Delaware River 6.6 mi Taylors Bridge, Blackbird Creek, Delaware River 7.5 mi Quinton, Alloway Creek 7.7 mi Sinnickson Landing, Salem River 8.1 mi Reedy Point, C&D Canal 8.2 mi Salem, Salem River 8.8 mi Woodland Beach, Delaware River 9.2 mi Delaware City Branch Channel bridge, Delaware River 9.3 mi Greenwich Pier, Cohansey River, Delaware Bay 9.6 mi Pea Patch Island, Bulkhead Shoal Channel, Delaware River 9.9 mi Delaware City, Delaware River 10.6 mi St. Georges, Chesapeake and Delaware Canal 12.4 mi Ship John Shoal, Delaware River Currents 3.2 mi Alloway Creek ent., 0.2 mile above 3.6 mi Baker Range Channel 3.7 mi Stony Point, channel west of 4.7 mi Appoquinimink River entrance 4.9 mi Reedy Island (off end of pier) 5.3 mi New Bridge, Alloway Creek 5.8 mi Arnold Point, 1.8 nm WSW of 6.0 mi Reedy Island Wreck 6.5 mi Smyrna River entrance 7.6 mi Reedy Point 7.7 mi Salem River entrance 7.8 mi Salem River Entrance, east of marker 11 8.0 mi Chesapeake and Delaware Canal Entrance 8.1 mi Reedy Point Radio Tower, south of 9.2 mi Bulkhead Shoal Channel, SE, Del. City 9.9 mi Pea Patch Island 9.9 mi Bulkhead Shoal Channel, off Del. City 10.5 mi Cohansey River, 0.5 mile above entrance 10.5 mi St. George Bridge, 0.1 n.mi. ENE of 11.1 mi Finns Point, 0.60 n.mi. Northwest of 11.9 mi Penns Neck, 0.3 mile west of 11.9 mi Penns Neck, 0.6 mile west of

Note: Tide predictions are an estimate and NOT FOR NAVIGATION.

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