Tide Chart for Next 7 Days

Moku O Loe weekly tide chart key:

The tide chart above shows the times and heights of high tide and low tide for Moku O Loe, for the next seven days. The red line highlights the current time and estimated height.

The tidal range at Moku O Loe for the next seven days is approximately 2.36 ft with a minimum tide of -0.2 ft and maximum tide of 2.16 ft. You can also check out all the daily details on tides & fishing times on the Day tab for Moku O Loe.

Tide Table for Next 7 Days

▲ Blue = High Tide ▼ Red = Low Tide
Day 1st Tide 2nd Tide 3rd Tide 4th Tide Sun Major Solunars Very heightened fish activity Minor Solunars Heightened fish activity
6 Thu First Quarter 50% 1:16 PM
-0.08 ft
11:15 PM
1.92 ft
6:47 AM 6:38 PM 6:29 AM 8:29 AM
7:01 PM 9:01 PM
1:03 AM 2:03 AM
11:56 AM 12:56 PM
7 Fri Waxing Gibbous 53% 3:07 PM
0 ft
6:46 AM 6:38 PM 7:31 AM 9:31 AM
8:00 PM 10:00 PM
2:06 AM 3:06 AM
12:56 PM 1:56 PM
8 Sat Waxing Gibbous 64% 12:14 AM
2.06 ft
4:46 PM
-0.05 ft
6:45 AM 6:38 PM 8:30 AM 10:30 AM
8:57 PM 10:57 PM
3:04 AM 4:04 AM
1:57 PM 2:57 PM
9 Sun Waxing Gibbous 74% 12:55 AM
2.14 ft
8:29 AM
0.55 ft
12:04 PM
0.73 ft
5:49 PM
-0.15 ft
6:45 AM 6:39 PM 9:26 AM 11:26 AM
9:50 PM 11:50 PM
3:55 AM 4:55 AM
2:57 PM 3:57 PM
10 Mon Waxing Gibbous 83% 1:25 AM
2.16 ft
8:17 AM
0.51 ft
12:47 PM
0.94 ft
6:34 PM
-0.2 ft
6:44 AM 6:39 PM 10:17 AM 12:17 PM
10:39 PM 12:39 AM
4:40 AM 5:40 AM
3:55 PM 4:55 PM
11 Tue Waxing Gibbous 90% 1:50 AM
2.14 ft
8:18 AM
0.44 ft
1:22 PM
1.14 ft
7:12 PM
-0.19 ft
6:43 AM 6:39 PM 11:04 AM 1:04 PM
11:24 PM 1:24 AM
5:19 AM 6:19 AM
4:50 PM 5:50 PM
12 Wed Waxing Gibbous 95% 2:10 AM
2.08 ft
8:26 AM
0.33 ft
1:55 PM
1.32 ft
7:46 PM
-0.11 ft
6:42 AM 6:40 PM 11:48 AM 1:48 PM
5:54 AM 6:54 AM
5:42 PM 6:42 PM

Current Weather

Air Temperature
75.2° F
Water Temperature
78.3° F
8 knots E (90°)
Wind Gust
9.9 knots
Atmospheric Pressure
30.16 in

Note: Observations are from a weather buoy 0 miles from the prediction site. Observations are not available at all prediction sites, and the number/type of observations varies between sites.

More details: Station mokh1 Buoy Weather

Note: Tide predictions are an estimate and NOT FOR NAVIGATION.

We also offer free widgets if you want to add tide or solunar tables to your own site.