
Nassau River Entrance tide chart key:

The tide chart above shows the times and heights of high tide and low tide for Nassau River Entrance, as well as solunar period times (represented by fish icons). The red line highlights the current time and estimated height.
2 Fish - Minor Solunar = Minor Solunar / Heightened Fish Activity
4 Fish - Major Solunar = Major Solunar / Very Heightened Fish Activity
Day Tide Time Height
5 Wed Low 7:40 PM -0.18 ft
6 Thu High 1:22 AM 5.36 ft
6 Thu Low 8:38 AM 0.42 ft
6 Thu High 1:48 PM 4.37 ft
6 Thu Low 8:45 PM 0.11 ft
7 Fri High 2:30 AM 5.16 ft

Thursday, March 6, 2025 2:05 PM: The tide is currently falling at Nassau River Entrance with a current estimated height of 4.3 ft. The last tide was High at 1:48 PM and the next tide is a Low of 0.11 ft at 8:45 PM. The tidal range today is approximately 5.25 ft with a minimum tide of 0.11 ft and maximum tide of 5.36 ft.

Solunars & Sun/Moon Times

First Quarter
First Quarter 50%
Major Solunar
6:11 AM 8:11 AM
6:41 PM 8:41 PM
Minor Solunar
1:09 AM 2:09 AM
11:13 AM 12:13 PM
1:09 AM
11:13 AM
6:46 AM
6:28 PM

Current Weather

Air Temperature
59.0° F
Water Temperature
61.5° F
17.1 knots W (270°)
Wind Gust
20 knots
Atmospheric Pressure
29.89 in

Note: Observations are from a weather buoy 8.45 miles from the prediction site. Observations are not available at all prediction sites, and the number/type of observations varies between sites.

More details: Station mypf1 Buoy Weather

Next 7 Days

▲ Blue = High Tide ▼ Red = Low Tide
Day 1st Tide 2nd Tide 3rd Tide 4th Tide Sun Major Solunars Very heightened fish activity Minor Solunars Heightened fish activity
6 Thu First Quarter 50% 1:22 AM
5.36 ft
8:38 AM
0.42 ft
1:48 PM
4.37 ft
8:45 PM
0.11 ft
6:46 AM 6:28 PM 6:11 AM 8:11 AM
6:41 PM 8:41 PM
1:09 AM 2:09 AM
11:13 AM 12:13 PM
7 Fri Waxing Gibbous 53% 2:30 AM
5.16 ft
9:46 AM
0.61 ft
2:57 PM
4.23 ft
9:52 PM
0.26 ft
6:45 AM 6:29 PM 7:12 AM 9:12 AM
7:41 PM 9:41 PM
2:14 AM 3:14 AM
12:10 PM 1:10 PM
8 Sat Waxing Gibbous 64% 3:40 AM
5.06 ft
10:51 AM
0.63 ft
4:06 PM
4.25 ft
10:57 PM
0.29 ft
6:44 AM 6:30 PM 8:12 AM 10:12 AM
8:41 PM 10:41 PM
3:13 AM 4:13 AM
1:12 PM 2:12 PM
9 Sun Waxing Gibbous 74% 5:47 AM
5.07 ft
12:51 PM
0.54 ft
6:11 PM
4.42 ft
7:43 AM 7:30 PM 10:10 AM 12:10 PM
10:35 PM 12:35 AM
5:04 AM 6:04 AM
3:16 PM 4:16 PM
10 Mon Waxing Gibbous 83% 12:59 AM
0.21 ft
6:46 AM
5.16 ft
1:46 PM
0.38 ft
7:07 PM
4.66 ft
7:41 AM 7:31 PM 11:02 AM 1:02 PM
11:24 PM 1:24 AM
5:46 AM 6:46 AM
4:19 PM 5:19 PM
11 Tue Waxing Gibbous 90% 1:57 AM
0.08 ft
7:36 AM
5.26 ft
2:35 PM
0.18 ft
7:55 PM
4.9 ft
7:40 AM 7:32 PM 11:50 AM 1:50 PM
6:22 AM 7:22 AM
5:19 PM 6:19 PM
12 Wed Waxing Gibbous 95% 2:48 AM
-0.07 ft
8:19 AM
5.32 ft
3:17 PM
0 ft
8:38 PM
5.1 ft
7:39 AM 7:32 PM 12:10 AM 2:10 AM
12:35 PM 2:35 PM
6:53 AM 7:53 AM
6:17 PM 7:17 PM

Location & Map

30° 31' 6" N (30.5183)
81° 27' 12" W (-81.4533)
Tides 0.4 mi Sawpit Creek entrance, bridge 1.5 mi Sawpit Creek, 1 mi. above entrance 2.7 mi Tiger Point, Pumpkin Hill Creek, Nassau River 3.9 mi Simpson Creek, A1A highway bridge 4.8 mi Amelia City, South Amelia River 5.0 mi Nassauville, Nassau River East 5.4 mi Edwards Creek, Nassau River 5.5 mi Fort George Island, Fort George River 6.8 mi Little Talbot Island, Ocean 7.0 mi Sisters Creek 7.8 mi Mink Creek entrance, Nassau River 8.0 mi Kingsley Creek, RR. bridge 8.1 mi Cuno, Lofton Creek, Nassau River 8.4 mi Clapboard Creek, Pelotes Island 8.4 mi Bar Pilot Dock, St. Johns River 8.5 mi Water Treatment Dock, Mayport Naval Station, St Johns River 8.7 mi Mayport (Ferry Depot) 9.1 mi Blount Island Bridge 9.1 mi Degaussing structure, Mayport Naval Station 9.4 mi Fulton 9.6 mi Lofton, Lanceford Creek 9.8 mi Pablo Creek entrance 10.1 mi Halfmoon Island, highway bridge, Nassau River 10.6 mi Fernandina Beach, Amelia River 10.7 mi Vaughns Landing 11.0 mi Dame Point, St. Johns River 12.4 mi Chester, Bells River Currents 0.4 mi Midsound, 1 mi. N of Sawpit Creek entrance 1.4 mi South Amelia River, off Walker Creek 1.9 mi Nassau River, SW of Mesa Marsh 4.3 mi Ft. George River 7.8 mi Kingsley Creek, highway bridge 8.7 mi Mayport 8.9 mi Sisters Creek entrance (bridge) 9.0 mi Mayport Basin Entrance 9.0 mi St. Johns Bar Cut, 0.7 n.mi. east of jetties 9.1 mi St. Johns River Ent. (between jetties) 9.2 mi St. Johns Bluff 9.3 mi Mile Point LB 20 9.3 mi Blount Island, East of 9.4 mi ICW Intersection 9.5 mi Bar Cut, 0.6 n.mi. ENE of St. John's Point 10.5 mi Fernandina Beach, City Front Reach, Amelia River 10.9 mi Dames Point, 0.23 n.mi. ESE of 11.1 mi Dames Point Bridge 11.6 mi Old Fernandina, Amelia River, Old Town Reach 11.7 mi Drummond Point, channel south of

Note: Tide predictions are an estimate and NOT FOR NAVIGATION.

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