Pennsylvania Currents
Select a site from the map or the list below to view currents predictions.
EddystoneLatitude: 39° 51' 1" S (39.850399017333984)Longitude: 75° 20' 5" W (-75.33480072021484) |
Edgewater Range at Devlin RangeLatitude: 40° 4' 39" S (40.077598571777344)Longitude: 74° 53' 12" W (-74.8865966796875) |
Frankford Range at Tacony RangeLatitude: 40° 0' 55" S (40.01530075073242)Longitude: 75° 1' 56" W (-75.03230285644531) |
Girard PointLatitude: 39° 53' 33" S (39.89250183105469)Longitude: 75° 11' 42" W (-75.19509887695312) |
Hog Island, channel southeast ofLatitude: 39° 52' 0" S (39.86669921875)Longitude: 75° 12' 54" W (-75.21499633789062) |
Kaighn PointLatitude: 39° 55' 42" S (39.928199768066406)Longitude: 75° 8' 7" W (-75.13529968261719) |
Mantua Creek AnchorageLatitude: 39° 51' 25" S (39.856998443603516)Longitude: 75° 14' 30" W (-75.2417984008789) |
Petty Island, Delaware RiverLatitude: 39° 58' 2" S (39.96730041503906)Longitude: 75° 7' 2" W (-75.11720275878906) |
Philadelphia, Penns LandingLatitude: 39° 56' 46" S (39.94620132446289)Longitude: 75° 8' 23" W (-75.13960266113281) |