Washington Currents
Select a site from the map or the list below to view currents predictions.
Admiralty Inlet (off Bush Point)Latitude: 48° 2' 1" S (48.03348159790039)Longitude: 122° 38' 16" W (-122.63764953613281) |
Agate Passage, north endLatitude: 47° 43' 19" S (47.722)Longitude: 122° 33' 18" W (-122.555) |
Agate Passage, south endLatitude: 47° 42' 40" S (47.711021423339844)Longitude: 122° 34' 2" W (-122.56714630126953) |
Alden Point, Patos Island, 2 miles S ofLatitude: 48° 45' 28" S (48.75783157348633)Longitude: 122° 58' 49" W (-122.98033142089844) |
Alki Point, 1 mile West ofLatitude: 47° 35' 1" S (47.58367919921875)Longitude: 122° 27' 6" W (-122.45175170898438) |
Alki Point, West ofLatitude: 47° 34' 34" S (47.57606887817383)Longitude: 122° 25' 40" W (-122.4278335571289) |
Allan PassLatitude: 48° 28' 18" S (48.471588134765625)Longitude: 122° 41' 59" W (-122.69982147216797) |
Anderson Point, East of, Colvos PassageLatitude: 47° 26' 22" S (47.43943)Longitude: 122° 31' 33" W (-122.52578) |
Angeles Pt., 2 mi. NNE ofLatitude: 48° 10' 37" S (48.176998138427734)Longitude: 123° 31' 37" W (-123.52694702148438) |
Balch Passage, NE of Eagle IslandLatitude: 47° 11' 26" S (47.19062042236328)Longitude: 122° 41' 30" W (-122.6915512084961) |
Bangor, Hood Canal LB BLatitude: 47° 45' 28" S (47.75782)Longitude: 122° 43' 50" W (-122.73057) |
Barnes Island, 0.8 mile southwest ofLatitude: 48° 41' 9" S (48.685829162597656)Longitude: 122° 47' 20" W (-122.78883361816406) |
Belle Rock Light, east ofLatitude: 48° 29' 48" S (48.49679183959961)Longitude: 122° 43' 51" W (-122.73079681396484) |
Bellingham Channel North EntranceLatitude: 48° 35' 34" S (48.592811584472656)Longitude: 122° 39' 28" W (-122.65767669677734) |
Bellingham Channel SouthLatitude: 48° 32' 23" S (48.53963088989258)Longitude: 122° 41' 0" W (-122.68343353271484) |
Bellingham Channel, off Cypress Head LightLatitude: 48° 33' 31" S (48.55854034423828)Longitude: 122° 39' 42" W (-122.66175842285156) |
Blake Island, S ofLatitude: 47° 31' 13" S (47.52027893066406)Longitude: 122° 29' 17" W (-122.48792266845703) |
Browns Point, 1.6 miles North ofLatitude: 47° 19' 43" S (47.32870101928711)Longitude: 122° 27' 15" W (-122.45404815673828) |
Budd Inlet EntranceLatitude: 47° 8' 25" S (47.140159606933594)Longitude: 122° 55' 17" W (-122.92144775390625) |
Burrows Bay, 0.5 mile east of Allan ILatitude: 48° 27' 46" S (48.46282958984375)Longitude: 122° 40' 58" W (-122.68283081054688) |
Burrows PassLatitude: 48° 29' 22" S (48.48952102661133)Longitude: 122° 41' 12" W (-122.68672180175781) |
Bush Point Light, 0.5 mile NW ofLatitude: 48° 1' 51" S (48.03084182739258)Longitude: 122° 36' 48" W (-122.61334228515625) |
Camano Head-Sandy Point, passageLatitude: 48° 2' 52" S (48.0478515625)Longitude: 122° 23' 20" W (-122.38896942138672) |
Cathlamet Channel, SE of Nassa PointLatitude: 46° 9' 22" S (46.15617)Longitude: 123° 18' 54" W (-123.315) |
Cattle Point, 1.2 nm SE ofLatitude: 48° 26' 4" S (48.43436813354492)Longitude: 122° 56' 48" W (-122.94660949707031) |
Cattle Point, 2.8 miles SSW ofLatitude: 48° 24' 0" S (48.400001525878906)Longitude: 123° 0' 0" W (-123) |
Cattle Point, 4.6 nm SW ofLatitude: 48° 23' 2" S (48.384010314941406)Longitude: 123° 0' 56" W (-123.01567077636719) |
Channel, 1.5 miles north of WestportLatitude: 46° 55' 60" S (46.93333)Longitude: 124° 6' 0" W (-124.1) |
Channel, 2.1 miles NNE of WestportLatitude: 46° 55' 60" S (46.93333)Longitude: 124° 4' 60" W (-124.08333) |
Cherry PointLatitude: 48° 51' 46" S (48.86275)Longitude: 122° 45' 40" W (-122.76098) |
Cherry Point, 1.8 nm southeast ofLatitude: 48° 50' 2" S (48.83378982543945)Longitude: 122° 43' 41" W (-122.7279281616211) |
Clark Island, 1.6 nm north ofLatitude: 48° 43' 53" S (48.731258392333984)Longitude: 122° 46' 24" W (-122.77337646484375) |
Clinton Ferry TerminalLatitude: 47° 58' 8" S (47.96899)Longitude: 122° 20' 42" W (-122.34507) |
Colville Island, 1 mile SSE ofLatitude: 48° 24' 0" S (48.400001525878906)Longitude: 122° 49' 0" W (-122.8166732788086) |
Dalco PassageLatitude: 47° 19' 30" S (47.32511901855469)Longitude: 122° 31' 29" W (-122.5246810913086) |
Dana PassageLatitude: 47° 9' 47" S (47.16310119628906)Longitude: 122° 52' 5" W (-122.86810302734375) |
Deception Pass (Narrows)Latitude: 48° 24' 22" S (48.40618896484375)Longitude: 122° 38' 35" W (-122.64311981201172) |
Devils Head, West ofLatitude: 47° 9' 38" S (47.16067123413086)Longitude: 122° 47' 22" W (-122.78936767578125) |
Discovery Island, 3.0 nm NE ofLatitude: 48° 27' 7" S (48.45206832885742)Longitude: 123° 9' 20" W (-123.15544128417969) |
Discovery Island, 7.6 mi. SSE ofLatitude: 48° 18' 1" S (48.30015182495117)Longitude: 123° 10' 2" W (-123.16716003417969) |
Dolphin Point, 1.3 miles East ofLatitude: 47° 30' 6" S (47.501548767089844)Longitude: 122° 25' 25" W (-122.42357635498047) |
Drayton Harbor EntranceLatitude: 48° 59' 27" S (48.99082946777344)Longitude: 122° 46' 4" W (-122.76782989501953) |
Drayton PassageLatitude: 47° 10' 21" S (47.17258071899414)Longitude: 122° 44' 29" W (-122.7414779663086) |
Ediz Hook Light, 1.2 miles N ofLatitude: 48° 10' 0" S (48.166690826416016)Longitude: 123° 24' 57" W (-123.41581726074219) |
Ediz Hook Light, 5.3 mi. ENE ofLatitude: 48° 10' 56" S (48.18227005004883)Longitude: 123° 16' 53" W (-123.28150177001953) |
Edmonds, 2.5 miles West ofLatitude: 47° 48' 26" S (47.80712127685547)Longitude: 122° 26' 39" W (-122.44412994384766) |
Eld Inlet entranceLatitude: 47° 8' 47" S (47.146331787109375)Longitude: 122° 55' 60" W (-122.9333267211914) |
Entrance to Eagle HarborLatitude: 47° 37' 10" S (47.619571685791016)Longitude: 122° 29' 43" W (-122.49530029296875) |
Entrance, 0.2 mile south of north jettyLatitude: 46° 55' 35" S (46.92633)Longitude: 124° 9' 41" W (-124.16133) |
Entrance, 0.6 mile WNW of WestportLatitude: 46° 54' 53" S (46.91467)Longitude: 124° 7' 30" W (-124.125) |
Entrance, 1.1 miles NW of WestportLatitude: 46° 55' 0" S (46.91667)Longitude: 124° 7' 60" W (-124.13333) |
Entrance, Point Chehalis RangeLatitude: 46° 54' 30" S (46.90833)Longitude: 124° 9' 20" W (-124.1555) |
Fauntleroy Point Light, east ofLatitude: 48° 31' 18" S (48.52158)Longitude: 122° 46' 14" W (-122.77066) |
Foulweather Bluff, 1.9 mi. NE ofLatitude: 47° 57' 15" S (47.95429992675781)Longitude: 122° 34' 43" W (-122.57859802246094) |
Frost-Willow Island, betweenLatitude: 48° 32' 21" S (48.53916931152344)Longitude: 122° 49' 51" W (-122.8308334350586) |
Gibson Point, 0.8 miles East ofLatitude: 47° 13' 9" S (47.21913146972656)Longitude: 122° 35' 19" W (-122.58866882324219) |
Gig Harbor EntranceLatitude: 47° 19' 27" S (47.32415008544922)Longitude: 122° 34' 19" W (-122.57186889648438) |
Grays Harbor EntranceLatitude: 46° 55' 21" S (46.92250061035156)Longitude: 124° 7' 59" W (-124.13300323486328) |
Green Point, 0.8 mile northwest ofLatitude: 48° 30' 17" S (48.504669189453125)Longitude: 122° 42' 22" W (-122.70616912841797) |
Guemes Channel, East EntranceLatitude: 48° 31' 40" S (48.52769088745117)Longitude: 122° 36' 22" W (-122.60601043701172) |
Guemes Channel, West EntranceLatitude: 48° 31' 16" S (48.521240234375)Longitude: 122° 39' 8" W (-122.65218353271484) |
Hale Passage, East endLatitude: 47° 14' 52" S (47.24789810180664)Longitude: 122° 35' 44" W (-122.59559631347656) |
Hale Passage, east of Lummi PointLatitude: 48° 44' 5" S (48.7348518371582)Longitude: 122° 40' 49" W (-122.68016815185547) |
Hale Passage, West endLatitude: 47° 16' 53" S (47.28137969970703)Longitude: 122° 39' 47" W (-122.66311645507812) |
Hammersley Inlet, west of Skookum PointLatitude: 47° 12' 25" S (47.207000732421875)Longitude: 123° 2' 22" W (-123.03949737548828) |
Harbor Island WestLatitude: 47° 34' 59" S (47.5831298828125)Longitude: 122° 21' 37" W (-122.36022186279297) |
Harney Channel, north of Point HudsonLatitude: 48° 35' 23" S (48.5897216796875)Longitude: 122° 55' 18" W (-122.9217300415039) |
Haro Strait, 1.2 nm west of Kellett BluffLatitude: 48° 35' 19" S (48.58871841430664)Longitude: 123° 13' 33" W (-123.225830078125) |
Hazel PointLatitude: 47° 41' 28" S (47.69123840332031)Longitude: 122° 45' 46" W (-122.76278686523438) |
Hood Canal BridgeLatitude: 47° 51' 17" S (47.854740142822266)Longitude: 122° 37' 46" W (-122.6294174194336) |
Hood Canal Entrance, Foulweather BluffLatitude: 47° 55' 42" S (47.92837905883789)Longitude: 122° 38' 20" W (-122.6388168334961) |
Huckleberry Island, 0.5 mile north ofLatitude: 48° 32' 45" S (48.54583)Longitude: 122° 33' 59" W (-122.56633) |
Hunting Island, south ofLatitude: 46° 12' 26" S (46.20717)Longitude: 123° 24' 15" W (-123.40417) |
Iceberg Point, 2.1 miles SSW ofLatitude: 48° 22' 60" S (48.383331298828125)Longitude: 122° 55' 0" W (-122.91667175292969) |
Johns Island, 0.8 mile north ofLatitude: 48° 40' 60" S (48.68333053588867)Longitude: 123° 9' 0" W (-123.1500015258789) |
Kanem Point, 1.5 mi. SW of Protection IslandLatitude: 48° 6' 28" S (48.10765075683594)Longitude: 122° 58' 25" W (-122.97364807128906) |
Ketron Island, West ofLatitude: 47° 8' 55" S (47.14860153198242)Longitude: 122° 39' 34" W (-122.6594009399414) |
Kings Point, Lopez Island, 1 mile NNW ofLatitude: 48° 28' 60" S (48.48332977294922)Longitude: 122° 57' 21" W (-122.9558334350586) |
Lawrence Point, Orcas Island, 1.3 nm NE ofLatitude: 48° 40' 46" S (48.67940902709961)Longitude: 122° 42' 53" W (-122.71466827392578) |
Libby Point, Hammersley InletLatitude: 47° 11' 56" S (47.19892120361328)Longitude: 122° 59' 20" W (-122.98899841308594) |
Liberty Bay (entrance), Port OrchardLatitude: 47° 42' 25" S (47.70682144165039)Longitude: 122° 37' 42" W (-122.62825012207031) |
Lopez PassLatitude: 48° 28' 47" S (48.479740142822266)Longitude: 122° 49' 8" W (-122.81890869140625) |
Marrowstone Point, 0.8 mi. NE ofLatitude: 48° 6' 23" S (48.10633087158203)Longitude: 122° 40' 21" W (-122.67247009277344) |
Marrowstone Point, 1.1 miles northwest ofLatitude: 48° 7' 0" S (48.116668701171875)Longitude: 122° 41' 60" W (-122.69999694824219) |
Marrowstone Point, 1.65 mi. NE ofLatitude: 48° 7' 9" S (48.119300842285156)Longitude: 122° 39' 44" W (-122.66226959228516) |
Matia Island, 0.8 mile west ofLatitude: 48° 44' 56" S (48.74882888793945)Longitude: 122° 51' 57" W (-122.86582946777344) |
Matia Island, west ofLatitude: 48° 46' 30" S (48.774879455566406)Longitude: 122° 50' 28" W (-122.84097290039062) |
McGowan, SSW ofLatitude: 46° 14' 22" S (46.2395)Longitude: 123° 54' 55" W (-123.91533) |
New Dungeness Light, 2.8 mi. NNW ofLatitude: 48° 14' 1" S (48.23347854614258)Longitude: 123° 8' 0" W (-123.13343048095703) |
New Dungeness Light, 6 miles NNE ofLatitude: 48° 16' 0" S (48.26667022705078)Longitude: 123° 3' 0" W (-123.05000305175781) |
Nisqually Reach, 0.5 miles South of Lyle PointLatitude: 47° 7' 1" S (47.11692810058594)Longitude: 122° 41' 56" W (-122.6988525390625) |
Nodule Point, 0.5 mi. SE ofLatitude: 48° 1' 43" S (48.028709411621094)Longitude: 122° 39' 39" W (-122.660888671875) |
Obstruction Pass, north of Obstruction IslandLatitude: 48° 36' 12" S (48.603271484375)Longitude: 122° 48' 46" W (-122.81272888183594) |
Off Pleasant BeachLatitude: 47° 34' 60" S (47.58332824707031)Longitude: 122° 31' 60" W (-122.53333282470703) |
Olele Point, 1.8 mi. ENE ofLatitude: 47° 58' 44" S (47.97880935668945)Longitude: 122° 38' 44" W (-122.64549255371094) |
Parker Reef Light, north ofLatitude: 48° 43' 58" S (48.73263931274414)Longitude: 122° 53' 11" W (-122.88638305664062) |
Patos Island Light, 1.4 nm west ofLatitude: 48° 46' 23" S (48.773128509521484)Longitude: 123° 0' 21" W (-123.00579071044922) |
Patos Island, south of Toe PointLatitude: 48° 46' 19" S (48.77206039428711)Longitude: 122° 56' 1" W (-122.93370056152344) |
Peale Passage, North endLatitude: 47° 13' 3" S (47.21752166748047)Longitude: 122° 54' 53" W (-122.9146499633789) |
Peale Passage, South endLatitude: 47° 10' 30" S (47.174949645996094)Longitude: 122° 53' 13" W (-122.88697052001953) |
Peapod Rocks Light, 1.2 nm south ofLatitude: 48° 37' 21" S (48.62239074707031)Longitude: 122° 44' 51" W (-122.74761962890625) |
Pear Point, east ofLatitude: 48° 30' 41" S (48.51139831542969)Longitude: 122° 57' 10" W (-122.9529037475586) |
Peavine Pass, west entranceLatitude: 48° 35' 13" S (48.58707809448242)Longitude: 122° 49' 9" W (-122.81925964355469) |
Pickering Passage, North endLatitude: 47° 18' 21" S (47.305721282958984)Longitude: 122° 51' 3" W (-122.85092163085938) |
Pickering Passage, off Graham PointLatitude: 47° 14' 50" S (47.247249603271484)Longitude: 122° 55' 33" W (-122.92591857910156) |
Pickering Passage, West of Squaxin IslandLatitude: 47° 13' 9" S (47.21928024291992)Longitude: 122° 56' 4" W (-122.93451690673828) |
Pillar Point, 6 mi. NNE ofLatitude: 48° 17' 60" S (48.29999923706055)Longitude: 124° 2' 15" W (-124.03739929199219) |
Pitt Passage, NE of Pitt IslandLatitude: 47° 13' 26" S (47.22383117675781)Longitude: 122° 42' 41" W (-122.71137237548828) |
Point Colville, 1.4 nm east ofLatitude: 48° 25' 5" S (48.41809844970703)Longitude: 122° 46' 52" W (-122.78119659423828) |
Point Colville, 3.0 nm east of (Lawson Reef, 1 nmLatitude: 48° 24' 45" S (48.41249084472656)Longitude: 122° 44' 25" W (-122.7402572631836) |
Point Ellice, east ofLatitude: 46° 14' 30" S (46.24167)Longitude: 123° 50' 54" W (-123.84833) |
Point George, west ofLatitude: 48° 33' 24" S (48.55670928955078)Longitude: 122° 59' 55" W (-122.99848175048828) |
Point Hammond, 1.1 miles northwest ofLatitude: 48° 43' 55" S (48.731998443603516)Longitude: 123° 1' 31" W (-123.02532958984375) |
Point Jefferson, East ofLatitude: 47° 44' 40" S (47.744468688964844)Longitude: 122° 28' 5" W (-122.468017578125) |
Point No Point, 1.2 mi. E ofLatitude: 47° 54' 45" S (47.91249084472656)Longitude: 122° 30' 7" W (-122.50196838378906) |
Point No Point, 2.1 mi. E ofLatitude: 47° 55' 8" S (47.918880462646484)Longitude: 122° 29' 3" W (-122.484130859375) |
Point Partridge, 3.7 miles west ofLatitude: 48° 13' 60" S (48.23332977294922)Longitude: 122° 52' 0" W (-122.86666870117188) |
Point Richmond, East of, Colvos PassageLatitude: 47° 22' 36" S (47.37662124633789)Longitude: 122° 31' 43" W (-122.52867126464844) |
Point Wilson, 0.6 mi. NE ofLatitude: 48° 9' 0" S (48.150108337402344)Longitude: 122° 44' 43" W (-122.745361328125) |
Point Wilson, 0.8 mile east ofLatitude: 48° 9' 0" S (48.150001525878906)Longitude: 122° 43' 60" W (-122.73332977294922) |
Point Wilson, 1.6 mi. NE ofLatitude: 48° 9' 25" S (48.156898498535156)Longitude: 122° 43' 34" W (-122.72599792480469) |
Point Wilson, 2.7 mi. NE ofLatitude: 48° 10' 1" S (48.16706848144531)Longitude: 122° 42' 27" W (-122.70738983154297) |
Port Gamble Bay EntranceLatitude: 47° 51' 17" S (47.85472106933594)Longitude: 122° 34' 41" W (-122.57817840576172) |
Port Townsend CanalLatitude: 48° 1' 57" S (48.032470703125)Longitude: 122° 43' 57" W (-122.73261260986328) |
Port Washington Narrows, Warren Ave. BridgeLatitude: 47° 34' 46" S (47.57957077026367)Longitude: 122° 37' 50" W (-122.63065338134766) |
Possession Sound EntranceLatitude: 47° 53' 57" S (47.89929962158203)Longitude: 122° 21' 36" W (-122.36009979248047) |
President Channel, East of Point DisneyLatitude: 48° 40' 24" S (48.6733512878418)Longitude: 123° 0' 22" W (-123.00598907470703) |
President Point, 1.5 miles east ofLatitude: 47° 46' 2" S (47.76712)Longitude: 122° 25' 55" W (-122.4319) |
Puffin Island Light, 4.8 miles north ofLatitude: 48° 49' 20" S (48.82217025756836)Longitude: 122° 48' 30" W (-122.8083267211914) |
Quillayute River entranceLatitude: 47° 55' 0" S (47.91667)Longitude: 124° 37' 60" W (-124.63333) |
Raccoon Point, 0.6 mile NNE ofLatitude: 48° 42' 23" S (48.706329345703125)Longitude: 122° 49' 45" W (-122.82917022705078) |
Race Rocks, 4.5 mi. S ofLatitude: 48° 13' 24" S (48.223201751708984)Longitude: 123° 31' 56" W (-123.53230285644531) |
Restoration PointLatitude: 47° 34' 44" S (47.57884979248047)Longitude: 122° 28' 7" W (-122.46871948242188) |
Rich Passage, East endLatitude: 47° 34' 12" S (47.57001876831055)Longitude: 122° 31' 47" W (-122.52980041503906) |
Rich Passage, LB 8Latitude: 47° 35' 36" S (47.5933)Longitude: 122° 32' 33" W (-122.5426) |
Rich Passage, West endLatitude: 47° 35' 24" S (47.58993148803711)Longitude: 122° 33' 44" W (-122.56233215332031) |
Rosario StraitLatitude: 48° 27' 29" S (48.458091735839844)Longitude: 122° 45' 0" W (-122.75006866455078) |
Saddle Bag Island PassageLatitude: 48° 32' 9" S (48.535919189453125)Longitude: 122° 33' 50" W (-122.56391143798828) |
San Juan Channel, south entranceLatitude: 48° 27' 40" S (48.46100997924805)Longitude: 122° 57' 7" W (-122.9520263671875) |
Sinclair Island, 1.0 nm NE ofLatitude: 48° 38' 39" S (48.64419937133789)Longitude: 122° 39' 31" W (-122.65872192382812) |
Skagit Bay channel, SW of Hope IslandLatitude: 48° 23' 52" S (48.397830963134766)Longitude: 122° 34' 46" W (-122.57955169677734) |
Skagit Bay, 1 mi. north of Rocky PointLatitude: 48° 16' 2" S (48.2671012878418)Longitude: 122° 31' 47" W (-122.52960205078125) |
Skagit Bay, 1 mi. south of Goat IslandLatitude: 48° 20' 41" S (48.34477996826172)Longitude: 122° 32' 42" W (-122.54505157470703) |
Skipjack Island, 1.5 miles northwest ofLatitude: 48° 44' 58" S (48.7495002746582)Longitude: 123° 3' 39" W (-123.06082916259766) |
Smith Island, 1.4 miles SSW ofLatitude: 48° 17' 60" S (48.29999923706055)Longitude: 122° 50' 60" W (-122.8499984741211) |
Smith Island, 3.4 mi. ESE ofLatitude: 48° 17' 47" S (48.29637908935547)Longitude: 122° 46' 35" W (-122.77632141113281) |
Smith Island, 5.5 mi. WNW ofLatitude: 48° 19' 28" S (48.32455062866211)Longitude: 122° 57' 53" W (-122.96475219726562) |
South Bend, Willapa RiverLatitude: 46° 39' 53" S (46.66467)Longitude: 123° 48' 5" W (-123.80133) |
South Haro Strait, south of Lime Kiln LightLatitude: 48° 29' 53" S (48.49797058105469)Longitude: 123° 9' 36" W (-123.15989685058594) |
South PointLatitude: 47° 49' 18" S (47.821659088134766)Longitude: 122° 40' 36" W (-122.67671966552734) |
Spieden Channel, north of Limestone PointLatitude: 48° 37' 40" S (48.627830505371094)Longitude: 123° 6' 42" W (-123.11164855957031) |
Spring Passage, south entranceLatitude: 48° 36' 42" S (48.611541748046875)Longitude: 123° 2' 3" W (-123.03410339355469) |
Squaxin Passage, North of Hunter PointLatitude: 47° 10' 35" S (47.17626953125)Longitude: 122° 55' 8" W (-122.91899871826172) |
Steilacoom, 0.8 miles North ofLatitude: 47° 10' 57" S (47.18238067626953)Longitude: 122° 36' 20" W (-122.60559844970703) |
Strait of Georgia, 4.5 nm SW of Point RobertsLatitude: 48° 56' 20" S (48.93888854980469)Longitude: 123° 9' 54" W (-123.16513061523438) |
Strait of Juan de Fuca EntranceLatitude: 48° 26' 60" S (48.449981689453125)Longitude: 124° 35' 2" W (-124.58380126953125) |
Strawberry Island, west ofLatitude: 48° 33' 39" S (48.56095886230469)Longitude: 122° 45' 15" W (-122.75430297851562) |
Thatcher PassLatitude: 48° 31' 39" S (48.52743148803711)Longitude: 122° 48' 14" W (-122.80397033691406) |
The Narrows, 0.3 miles North of BridgeLatitude: 47° 16' 28" S (47.27431869506836)Longitude: 122° 32' 43" W (-122.54531860351562) |
The Narrows, North end - midstreamLatitude: 47° 18' 22" S (47.305999755859375)Longitude: 122° 33' 0" W (-122.55003356933594) |
The Narrows, North End (west side)Latitude: 47° 18' 14" S (47.30400085449219)Longitude: 122° 33' 24" W (-122.55674743652344) |
The Narrows, South end (midstream)Latitude: 47° 15' 41" S (47.26129913330078)Longitude: 122° 33' 30" W (-122.55828094482422) |
Totten Inlet EntranceLatitude: 47° 11' 18" S (47.18825149536133)Longitude: 122° 56' 43" W (-122.94537353515625) |
Towhead Island, 0.4 mile east ofLatitude: 48° 36' 44" S (48.6121711730957)Longitude: 122° 42' 8" W (-122.7021713256836) |
Turn Point, Boundary PassLatitude: 48° 41' 28" S (48.69121170043945)Longitude: 123° 14' 42" W (-123.24501037597656) |
Upright Channel narrowsLatitude: 48° 33' 14" S (48.55384063720703)Longitude: 122° 55' 21" W (-122.92262268066406) |
Violet Point, 3.7 mi. NW of Protection IslandLatitude: 48° 9' 41" S (48.161399841308594)Longitude: 122° 58' 5" W (-122.96810150146484) |
Waldron Island, 1.7 nm west ofLatitude: 48° 42' 15" S (48.704219818115234)Longitude: 123° 6' 17" W (-123.10476684570312) |
Wasp Passage narrowsLatitude: 48° 35' 33" S (48.59246826171875)Longitude: 122° 59' 22" W (-122.98957061767578) |
West of Camano IslandLatitude: 48° 10' 11" S (48.169681549072266)Longitude: 122° 33' 12" W (-122.5531997680664) |
West of MukilteoLatitude: 47° 56' 56" S (47.948951721191406)Longitude: 122° 19' 42" W (-122.32846069335938) |
West Point, West ofLatitude: 47° 39' 43" S (47.662071228027344)Longitude: 122° 26' 30" W (-122.44168090820312) |
Westport, channel 0.4 mile NE ofLatitude: 46° 54' 51" S (46.91417)Longitude: 124° 6' 30" W (-124.10833) |
Yokeko Point, Deception PassLatitude: 48° 24' 46" S (48.4127197265625)Longitude: 122° 36' 47" W (-122.61316680908203) |